Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Misplaced Anger

There has been fury unleashed at BP lately due to the oil spill in the Gulf. Much of it is warranted. They screwed up, cut corners, lied, lied again, lied a few more times, finally admitted they were completely wrong, and now are trying to clean up and keep the company solvent. (Is solvent like the disperents they sprayed all over which just cause the oil to sink to the bottom of the ocean?)

Anyway, some people have called for boycotts of BP, and that's fine I suppose. Just remember, while this happened to BP, it could have been ANY of the oil companies and the response would have been the same.

The problem isn't BP. The problem is are the oil giants and their cozy relationship with those in power. AND America's refusal to change their lifestyles and stop relying on oil.

So, what am I saying? First, something like this was going to happen. It really was. It might have happened to Shell, or Conoco-Phillips, but it was going to happen. And no company would have known what to do, and all of them would have lied just like BP. This is not exonerating BP, merely stating the entire industry is corrupt and used to doing whatever they like.

America, we need to get over our love for oil. Is cheap gas, oversized cars, inefficient roadways, and personal selfishness more important than polluting the oceans and coastlines and putting thousands of jobs at risk? The economic fallout from this is going to be felt for some time.

So America, be mad at BP, but be mad at all oil companies, your government who for too long has turned a blind eye, AND yourselves for continuing to live in ways that encourage this kind of risky behavior.