Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Do I Expect Consistency of Belief?

Here's a link to a column/blog by a libertarian. Its a nice little read and points out much of what I find wrong with the "Tea Party" movement.

I'm not a libertarian, I feel its a simple recipe for disaster. But I can respect people who are libertarian and have consistency of belief (for the most part. We all struggle with this to certain degrees.)

Many Tea Partiers whine about the gov't, but don't really try to do anything serious about it. They have no proposals except "cut taxes and spending." They never say HOW they are going to do it. Well, getting rid of "entitlement" programs like Social Security (privatization like Bush wanted would have decimated the system like it did people's 401K's and private investments) and Medicare (old people love it) would be starts, but I'm sorry, that's not realistic.

They like to yell and scream about "social issues" like immigration and an Islamic YMCA with a mosque in it built by Ground Zero, but they don't offer solutions except wanting to take away rights from people they don't agree with or who aren't like them.

Is illegal immigration a problem? YES! However, they keep pointing to the wrong statistics on why its a problem. Crime is not a problem. Even jobs isn't the real issue because by and large Americans don't want to work the long hours for crappy pay that illegals will work. (And not even just illegals, immigrants in general.) They ignore the fact that illegals come here and work for Americans who often are KNOWINGLY flaunting the laws, and if nothing else our desire for ever cheaper prices on meat, produce, housing, hotel rooms, etc. are what have driven the wages on jobs so low that the only people who will take them are those here under frequently dubious circumstances.

But, we have too many laws, too many regulations, we just need to build a fence and police the border and question anyone with brown skin who gets pulled over in a car and seems "suspicious."

Seriously, when you have some actual courses of action, when your positions aren't simply emotion built by ignoring the facts, get back to me. We can discuss, and disagree, but actually have a conversation. For now you offer nothing but rhetoric and a mistrust which looks a lot like intolerance of anyone who isn't like you.