Sunday, February 26, 2012

The GOP amazes me.

The Republican party is a joke. Now, before I delve into that, let me say, I'm not thrilled with the Democrats either. Obama's had a very mixed presidency for me and I'm very frustrated with him. However, the Republican opposition is laughable.

Mitt Romney- What does this man stand for? He'll say anything to get elected. He's been running for office ever since he stopped working on Wall Street. I think he did some good things when he was a governor, but his "beliefs" are constantly changing by what he thinks the people want to hear. Now, every politican does this to a degree, but he takes it to an amazing level.

Rick Santorum-When everyone in the Senate hates you, and you can't get a single word of support from any of them, even those in your own party, well, it could be taken as a positive. Its not. Santorum is everything that terrifies me in a religious right-wing candidate. However, if he wins the nomination, the Republicans should just forfeit as they will be handing it to Obama.

Newt Gingrich- What a sleazeball. Newt has been a professional politican his entire adult life pretty much. And when he wasn't a politican, he was a lobbyist. Except he wasn't a lobbyist, he was a consultant so he didn't have to declare what he was getting. He's an expert at working the laws to get his organizations money without having to declare income from it. Oh, can we just say how ADD his policies are? Let's claim the moon? (Though, that'd be illegal.) We need better defenses against EMP attacks. He's a wackjob. To say nothing about his personal life. The guy is straight up slime and again would probably insure an Obama victory.

There are a few others, but they have little to no chance. The Republicans don't seem to understand they can't win on their "base" alone. Pandering to the extreme ends will only kill them in a national election.

I live in Illinois. We'll support Obama no matter what. But it amazes me that they can't put a candidate up there that has the slightest bit of credibility or electibility. Of course, its the same party that allows Grover Norquist to dictate their tax policy...