Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Time is an interesting thing...

I shared a post on my G+ about some really cool poster art that's up for sale.  Its about modern things, video games and such, but done in a very 30s sci-fi or 40s propaganda style.  They are gorgeous.

My first thought was "That would totally fit on the cover of a Buck Rogers story or a Harry Harrison collection!"

My dad's comment was "Looks like a Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen cover!!" which it TOTALLY does.  

Its a strange age we live in when a son's first thought jumps 30-40 years before the father's first thought!  

Thanks to the internet, I've been exposed to early science fiction which often had fantastic covers.  My dad, through his eclectic and wonderful taste in music, was exposed to this style of artwork through Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen covers.  The artists and probably band were obviously influenced by the Pulp & Golden Ages of Science fiction.  

What does this mean?  Nothing, except that we live in interesting times and that I really need to listen to more Commander Cody.  My only experience with them is from the terrible/awesome movie Hollywood Boulevard and they were great!