Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Romney, you are pathetic

Disclaimer:  99.9% of political ads are lies, distortions and half truths.  From both parties, from all groups.

With that said, the Romney campaign has taken things to a level almost of the Swift Boat myths of the Bush days.

The claim made in Romney's ads in Ohio, a state Romney is losing in and that has been pummeled by the loss of manufacturing jobs over the past 30 years, are 100% lies.  Lies, not distortions, but flat out lies, refuted by the very companies Romney was lying about.

Jeep is NOT moving jobs from Ohio to China, nor is GM cutting American jobs to move to China.  Both companies are expanding in China, operations COMPLETELY SEPARATE from their North American operations.

Both Fiat, speaking about their Jeep division, and GM have refuted the Romney camp's ads, and beyond ads, things Romney has hinted at in speeches.

Romney, someone who made millions gutting companies and laying off workers, is amazing in his gall.  The man will literally say anything to get elected.  When you are the most accomplished political waffler, that is saying something and what it's saying isn't good.

Now, I'm not saying the Obama campaign is 100% truthful.   I'm sick of political ads and political lies.  But the extreme's Romney is going to is pathetic.  The man is not fit to run the country because as far as I can tell he has no actual beliefs of his own, merely what it takes to get elected to the next office.  

Seriously, look at how his views have changed from his days as governor of Massachusetts.  Its not slight wavering to gain politcal wiggle room, its wholesale changes in a desperate attempt to get elected and its pathetic.

I could handle the old Romney, Governor Romney as President.  This man he's decided to become, its sickening.  Its honestly sad when Obama, someone who accomplished little of his established goals and showed little of his stated beliefs in his first term, comes across as the more honest, principled option.


Sunday, October 14, 2012


So now the Koch brothers are warning of layoffs if Obama is reelected joining other rich plutocrats threatening the peasants if the peasants don't act according to their wishes.

Really.  This is where we are in America?  THESE are our leaders of industry?   Men who (like the Koch brothers) have run successful businesses, made themselves PILES of money, and now, somehow, if Obama is reelected they are going to have to lay off everyday workers to stay profitable?

Hmm.  I think this is a load of crap.


Oh, because of the tens, if not hundreds of millions these men have spent on political campaigns.  Instead of reinvesting it in their businesses, or keeping it for tougher times, no, its their money, they can do what they want, so they try and get friendly politicians elected.

But then, if things don't go their way, they cry, take their ball and go home, and make their workers suffer so that they can keep their huge incomes and replenish the spending cash for the next election cycle in four years.

Look, I understand that its hard to run a business in the US.  We need to overhaul our corporate tax system and we need to streamline and improve our regulating processes.  I am NOT anti-businessman especially since, as much as I despise their politics the Koch brothers at least own businesses that PRODUCE things unlike the Wall Street boys that just shift data in computers.

That said, the whole "I made mine if you don't like it go make your own" mentality of too many of the wealthy in this country is nauseating.  Its selfish and its destructive.  And if they somehow believe that threatening their employees is going to solve America's problems, well, good luck to them on that.

The blind, selfish, willful ignorance and hubris of so many wealthy people sickens me.  Thanks Supreme Court for allowing these guys to try and buy election after election.  That's certainly what the Founding Fathers you hold so dear envisioned that First Amendment being used for.  Nice work.

This probably makes even less sense than most of my posts but I am sick and tired of the rich feeling every bit as entitled (to a far larger piece of the pie, in fact almost ALL the pie) as the poor they like to blame for all our problems.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So, a chubby local newsperson gets an email from a buff lawyer ripping her about her weight.

 Instead of doing what most people would do, ignoring the moron, she, in best local newsperson manner, decides to take it on air.

 In a highly misguided statement she claims she is standing up for all the bullied people in the world. The kids who have to deal with being called fat, or short, or gay or whatever.

 Ok, fine, except, no, you're not.

 You were not bullied Ms. Livingston and you apparently don't have any idea what the word means.

To be bullied would mean you would be singled out, repeatedly, by one person, or a group, and humiliated, threatened, and/or mocked by those you are often in contact with.

 Instead, you got one email from an idiot, some guy you don't know and never have to interact with.

 Really, you're going to compare THAT to the kid getting mocked on the bus every day. To having his books pushed on the floor. To being picked on constantly by people he has to face, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

 You don't even see how you trivialized bullying do you?

 You honestly believe you were bullied and you were standing up for what's right.

 You were wrong.

 If it was a co-worker who everyday was making comments, then yes, that could easily be bullying.

 But it wasn't, it was a random email from some schmuck.

 So please, delete the email, suck it up and just go about your life.

 Don't demean those who deal with bullying on a daily basis by comparing what they go through to an email from an idiot.

 This is one more reason why local news should be banned. If there was no local news, there would be no local newspeople. Do you know what a boon this would be for not having crap TV?