Saturday, March 2, 2013

Congress is Useless

So, sequestration starts today.  Maybe this will be the necessary step that leads us to vote every last incumbent out of office next election.   Lets create a completely artificial problem to force us to deal with a larger actual problem and then be so dysfunctional to not even deal with the artificial problem we created which, oh, by the way, is barely a drop in the bucket anyway.

I'm sick of the Senate Democrats not putting forth a budget.  I don't care if it gets voted down, filibustered, whatever, DO YOUR JOB AND COME UP WITH A BUDGET!

I'm even more sick of the Republicans living in bizarro world where the federal government isn't a massive economic engine.

Bear with me here because whether or not you are a Keynesian, there is some truth to what I'm going to say.

Like it or not, the Federal government, directly, through Federal employees, or indirectly through secondary industries like defense, employees or helps pay for hundreds of thousands if not millions of employees.

Randomly cutting 10% off the budget, does not fix any problems, it just puts less money into the economy.  All those people getting furloughed every so often?  That's less money they can spend.   All those companies relying on gov't contracts?  That's less money coming in, less hiring, and less money getting spent on good to make products and goods purchased by employees.

Am I predicting a return to recession because of this?  Not necessarily, though I could see it happening if it goes on long enough.   I am saying that our economy, for the average person, is not overly strong.  Our wages aren't going up and prices are.

This stupid "sequestration" isn't solving the debt crisis but it certainly could set back the slow recovery we've been having.

Brilliant Congress.   Brilliant.