Thursday, April 3, 2014

Its Official, Stop Saying they're Conservative.

Thanks to the McCutcheon decision by the SCotUS yesterday we officially became an oligarchy. Now, you might say with cases like Citizens United we've been headed towards this for a few years and you'd be right.

However, those brilliant minds at the Supreme Court have stripped all campaign finance limits.  A single donaor can pump as much directly to campaigns as they want.  No more arbitrary $100k limit.  Nothing.

The "conservatives" claim this will not lead to bribery as there needs to be proof of bribery.  Apparently they live in a bubble.  Bribery happens DAILY in Congress and in politics around the country.  Its the horse-trading that goes on by lobbyists. Its the cushy multiple six figure jobs waiting for ex-Congressional members. Its how members of Congress become millionaires while in office working a job that pays well, but shouldn't make them multi-millionaires.

So, is it bribery in the sense of "I give you 50k cash you vote X way?"  Nope.  Is it bribery all the same?  Yes.

Overturning decades of legal precedent the "conservative" justices decided that free and fair elections are not important to a democracy.  The rights of a few super-rich are more important than the lives and rights of the hundreds of millions of American who are not super-rich.

They are not conservative. They are every bit as activist as the most liberal judges have been and have done more in the last decade to destroy the health of America for the average American than was done in 50 years of liberal courts.

They can also stop pretending about being "originalists." Scalia and Thomas are two of the most bought members of the court. Their precious Founding Fathers and Constitution are apparently a joke as they make ruling after ruling creating a new nobility, a nobility of wealth.