Monday, August 18, 2008

It's Ok, You don't have to like the Olympics.

Ahh, its that season again. The Olympics are in full swing and the lovers and the haters are out in full force. I don't get it. I really don't.

If you don't like the Olympics, that's fine. Lots of the "sports" in the Olympics aren't really interesting at all. Or so blindly subjective that to say you have a "winner" is a bit of a stretch. (Come on. Artistic? What the heck?)

If you do like the Olympics, that's fine too. I enjoy many of the sports because I never get to watch them any other time. Track cycling, track and field, swimming, lots of those are fun to get to watch, but again, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM THAT IS OK!!!

There are some people out there who for 2 weeks every 2 years go Olympic insane and believe if you don't follow the Olympics you hate freedom, Jesus, and kittens. I don't get them. I don't really care if you like them or not, I do. Likes and dislikes vary lots. That's life.

Then there are the backlash people. The "Why is everyone making me feel bad I don't like the Olympics?" people. I don't know why. And is it really everyone? Or is it just 1 or 2 of the people I mentioned above.

I was reading a column by one of The Sporting News writers where he was venting his dislike of the Olympics because it didn't have football. (Not just lacking football, but any sport an American might find interesting.) Well, seeing as how only a tiny percentage of the world's population plays or follows American Football, I can see why its not at the Olympics.

Baseball is though. But, apparently that didn't count for this writer. I don't care about Olympic baseball because I follow MLB so I get my fix that way.

I guess I'm just venting. You can like the Olympics. You can dislike the Olympics. You can hate NBC's coverage of the Olympics (though it is a bit better this time around). But please people, stop trying to convince each other why the Olympics are amazing or why they suck. Really. Its like trying to convince anyone except my DM that Spiderman 3 was a good movie. No one will budge on their opinion, so why not just leave it at that.

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