Friday, July 31, 2009

I guess I don't get it.

Been awhile since I took (or had) the time to post here. Anyway...

In this article here, its talking about a bill allowing for shareholders to have more of a say in executive compensation and golden parachutes.

The Democrats are for this, the Republicans against.

The Republicans are saying this is yet another example of the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

This quote from the article summed up the Republican response:
"Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), in a comment echoed by fellow Republicans, assailed the measure as "unprecedented government intervention in the free enterprise system."

I attempted to read the bill (there is a link in the article) but, from the way my poor brain understands it, it doesn't look like the government is doing any more than giving the shareholders a bit of say in what companies do.

If I own stock in company X. And the CEO is getting paid 1 million, AND another 10 million in options AND has a golden parachute where he gets another 10 million if he's fired, of COURSE I would want a say in that. CEOs have long made sure boards were stocked with friends that vote on insane pay packages.

I don't see how giving the people that technically "own" the company a say in what the CEO and other executives make, is a bad thing. OR is excessive government meddling.

But, that's just me.


After a bit more reading, yes, it looks like regulators can say that "incentive-based pay" is too much or too risky. I SUPPOSE, this could lead the the government stepping in too often. I doubt it though. These incentive based things were a joke because the people got payed no matter what!

"My division helped sink the company, but I still got a 6 figure bonus!" That's not "incentive-based" that's gambling based, only without any of the risk.

You go to Harvard, you get an MBA from their business school. Now, instead of making 200k with 1 million in bonuses, you'll make 200k with 200k in bonuses. The American dream is truly and indeed dead. Unfettered greed has been reigned in. A moment of silence please.

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