Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rein in your morons

I like guns. They are fun to shoot. I believe they are something most people should legally be able to have. I think that the laws governing them should be logical (wouldn't that be nice?).

However, if you're pro-gun, maybe in the NRA, or just really like your guns, I have a suggestion. Attempt to rein in the morons on your side. Really. Please?

It might be legal to carry around assault rifles in plain view in Arizona. That doesn't mean it should be done (or legal, but that's a different discussion). If you value the right to bear arms, please, work hard to get idiots like these to STOP BEING MORONS!

The people who did this (and who incidentally were doing it as a radio stunt for what they believe) were merely a distraction. And a bad one at that. Its stupid, even if legal, to carry around heavy weaponry in plain view at a crowded event.

Especially one that will be highly politically charged anyway. Its not exercising your rights. Its a show of force.

Like I said, I like guns. But that doesn't mean I want to see heavy weaponry just carried around by anyone with a permit. Especially at an event where there are lots of people present. At a machine gun shoot, go for it.

So, what I'm saying is this. If the moron fringe (please tell me its a fringe) of the pro-gun movement keep this up, you're going to see the opposite effect happen as moderates like me on gun control get pissed off and start to vote more and more rights away.

Call it exercising your rights, I call it intimidation. And that always backfires. It really does. I would be intimidated by someone walking around at a large public gathering with an AR-15. That sounds like something that happens in Iraq, not the USA.

Can't we love our guns and not be stupid about it?

(Oh, and if you REALLY want to be scared, read the guy's quotes. It'll also point out why I don't care much for Jefferson. Oh, and here is a bit more about Mr. Creepy)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes, actually, I believe it is.

Sitting here at work, getting a nice little break from the phones for once, I'm watching two nice bigscreen flat panel TVs.

One is showing the Cardinals beating up on the Reds. The other someone has put on Fox"News" and talking heads are talking.

I can't hear what's going on, but Robert Gibbs was talking to the media and the little "info bar" was telling me what he was talking about. The gist was, "Townhalls are not indicative of how people feel."

I'm guessing this is due to the shameful behavoir of many people at townhall meetings who have decided (and have been encouraged by the Republicans) to disrupt them by shouting, yelling, filibustering and not discussing anything.

And sadly, I feel this is completely how much of America is right now.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not harkening back to the halcyon days of yor when bipartisanship meant you might beat your opposition with your cane in a session of Congress. Its not like media feeding into people's fears and predujices is new.

What is new, is how you can totally isolate yourself to people who agree with you. You never have to listen to those who disagree, except on talk shows where they are invariably shouted down. You never have to engage in a discussion about issues, so people only know how to shout about them.

The 2 party system promotes this as the party in power doesn't really want to work with the other party anymore than to get bills passed.

Partisanship is not new. But it is getting uglier. It saddens me that townhall meetings in 2009 are no more civil than many probably were in 1809. This doesn't surprise me, but it does make me sad.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Alright, I have lots of issues with this program. I'll try and be brief.

This is not a stimulus. It is merely getting people to buy the car NOW they would've bought in a few months or a year. This is not "rejuvenating" the industry, it is spiking sales which will then slump back to "meh."

Jobs aren't really being created by this as car manufacturers are not going to ramp up production to meet demand as they understand demand is spiking, not actually going up.

This is also a tax on the poor. Sure, 4500 for your junker is nice, but if you have no credit or can still only afford a car that costs 6000, how does this help you? Oh, and it'll drive up the price of used cars and quite possibly the prices on keeping old cars running, especially if they blow an engine. So, the poor are not benefiting from this at all.

Also, the environmental impact is negligible at best. Sure, you're taking fuel inefficient cars off the road. And moving them to junk yards. Yes, many parts of them will be recycled, but there will still be rusting blocks of iron. AND, its replacing them on the road with cars that still pollute.

Yes, they pollute yes, which is good. But, its not like there will be less cars on the road, because THAT is truly a zero emission car. The one that isn't there.

I guess I'm just frustrated by the waste and the bait and switch that seems to be going on.