Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes, actually, I believe it is.

Sitting here at work, getting a nice little break from the phones for once, I'm watching two nice bigscreen flat panel TVs.

One is showing the Cardinals beating up on the Reds. The other someone has put on Fox"News" and talking heads are talking.

I can't hear what's going on, but Robert Gibbs was talking to the media and the little "info bar" was telling me what he was talking about. The gist was, "Townhalls are not indicative of how people feel."

I'm guessing this is due to the shameful behavoir of many people at townhall meetings who have decided (and have been encouraged by the Republicans) to disrupt them by shouting, yelling, filibustering and not discussing anything.

And sadly, I feel this is completely how much of America is right now.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not harkening back to the halcyon days of yor when bipartisanship meant you might beat your opposition with your cane in a session of Congress. Its not like media feeding into people's fears and predujices is new.

What is new, is how you can totally isolate yourself to people who agree with you. You never have to listen to those who disagree, except on talk shows where they are invariably shouted down. You never have to engage in a discussion about issues, so people only know how to shout about them.

The 2 party system promotes this as the party in power doesn't really want to work with the other party anymore than to get bills passed.

Partisanship is not new. But it is getting uglier. It saddens me that townhall meetings in 2009 are no more civil than many probably were in 1809. This doesn't surprise me, but it does make me sad.


samantha said...

I completely agree. Sometimes I feel like we have progressed so little. The "information age" has allowed us to be so isolated from our community and our connection to one another that we can actually justify singularly pursuing our own interests at the expense of others.

pschurter said...

The information age means I never have to think critically for myself again. I watch the right shows, listen to the right podcasts, read the right blogs, er, news, and I'm set and ready to stonewall.