Saturday, February 20, 2010


Leadership, that's something this country needs and it is not being provided by our President.

I'll put this out there. I voted for Obama for a variety of reasons. One reason was I didn't want Sarah Palin second in line for the presidency.

Before he took office I was disappointed with him. Not, surprised, disappointed, as he surrounded himself with Clinton cronies who had already proved once they had no clue how to lead a country.

Someone needs to tell Obama that he doesn't come across as "bridge-building" or "bipartisan" but merely weak and indecisive.

In a day and age where far too many people only get their "news" from the source they find most appealing (gives it the spin they like) every decision is going to be ripped on by someone anyway. So be a leader. MAKE a decision.

Healthcare: We still don't know if Obama really wants the public option in a bill or not. It looks like the Democrats are going to get it back in there (thankfully, because without it, no bill would be better.) So tell us what YOU support President Obama!

Economy: Yes, the bailout "worked." It saved jobs, created a few new jobs and propped up many plutocrats who elected officials will be needing money from every few years. However, there are still 10% of American's without work. More if you count the people who gave up. The jobs bill that is dying in the Senate is a joke. Be a leader. Make hard decisions. Support unpopular, but necessary ideas. Do SOMETHING, besides try to save Democratic seats in the fall. Do you know why people think you're doing the wrong things? Its because you aren't really doing anything at all!!!

Terrorism: Trumpet the fact we've caught or killed a number of high ranking Taliban and Al Quaeda figures over the past few months. Say, "hey, this wasn't my fight, but we're doing the best we can and look what we've done." Talk about how much information we're getting from the Christmas Day bomber because we didn't torture him, but brought in his family to talk to him.

President Obama, I have cut you slack because you were inheriting a disaster. I didn't think you could do much to turn things around, but I hoped I was wrong. Instead, your lack of will, your lack of LEADERSHIP, has saddened me.

Stop getting into spats with FoxNews, or Sarah Palin, or whoever. Have some guts and say, "You know, you can believe the naysayers if you want, you don't have to agree with me, but I am the President of the USA and I believe this is what we should be doing."

Sure, you'll be skewered for it. But, you're getting skewered anyway.

I know this is a lot to ask, but a 2nd term doesn't matter if you got nothing done in the first one. Don't worry about being unpopular if you're actually doing good things.

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