Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Arizona just put into effect a law allowing police to stop people anytime they are suspicious those people might be illegally in the country. The people must produce proof they are here legally, and may be arrested if they cannot show proof, even if they are here legally.

Let's be honest here, this law is targeting Hispanics. How many people with non-brown skin do you think are really going to be asked to produce papers?

Putting aside the legalities of this, let me pose a question:

What if the tables were reversed? Arizona allows openly carrying weapons and concealed carry. What if every time an officer wanted they could ask to see not only your FOID card (or the equivilent), but wanted your driver's license, birth certificate and recent proof of a background check?

The cries of "the gov't is interfering in mah life daggumit" would be heard to the heavens!

So, government is "bad" when it affects the "rights" of white people. But its "good" when it profiles racially and only affects non-whites.

So, really, tell me again how so many of these "conservatives" aren't racist?

Also, Barry Goldwater and I may not agree about much, but he must be rolling over in his grave at this. The man was a true libertarian and this would most likely disgust him.

1 comment:

schmichael said...

"So, government is "bad" when it affects the "rights" of white people. But its "good" when it profiles racially and only affects non-whites."

Isn't that the Tea Party's core platform? (Zing!)