Thursday, April 22, 2010

What if it happens to you?

Ok, so you don't like the idea of national health insurance. You thought the public option was bad, and you like the system we have.

Just remember this, private health insurance companies care about profits, not people. Am I calling them evil? Not quite.

However, when they are targeting women with breast cancer and AIDS patients to rescind their coverage, that's getting really close in my book. And when the wife of a senator is on the Wellpoint board and that senator helped to successfully lobby to keep a public option from the bill, you're into highly sleazy.

People, I understand you don't want to hear this. However, the only fair, equitable, and morally responsible way to dispense health insurance (not the care, the insurance) in this country is a national single payer plan.

Lacking that, a public option for affordable insurance to compete with the private insurers. These companies care about bottom line. Not people. What is more important? Millionaires making more millions? Or people getting access to the care they need?


schmichael said...

It all comes down to whether you believe health care is a right or a privilege (or at least to what extent you believe it's a right).

If you think it's a privilege then the health care industry is doing a fine job and should just keep cutting all of those unprofitable sick people.

If you think it's a right then you hear these stories and think "these people deserve better." It's not the system that's failed them. The system is working great: a bunch of insurance corps making money for their investors hand over fist.

The only system that's failed is human compassion, which really is out of capitalism's domain.

pschurter said...

"The only system that's failed is human compassion, which really is out of capitalism's domain."

Exactly, which is why the government needs TARGETED regulation of industry and certain industries they should HEAVILY regulate.

Industries such as, say, people's access to medical care.

Do I believe the government is the solution to all ills? Heck no, it creates as many problems as it solves.

However, healthcare access through better insurance coverage is one area they could do better on.

The next looming healthcare "crisis" is the lack of primary care physicians because the "capitalist" insurance companies have created so much paperwork and don't ever want to pay anything.
