Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Call for Real Change

While I wish I could enjoy the implosion of the Republican Party at the hands of the Tea Partiers, I can't, because the party isn't imploding, its becoming even more far-right and hardline than it was. That's a bit terrifying.

The Democrats aren't doing anything about it, attacking the radicals (for that's what they are, I'm serious, they are uncompromising radicals), pointing out their hypocrisy and racism to gain points for the November election or anything else useful.

Why? Because its becoming apparent (not that it was exactly hidden) just how bought off they have been.

There has not been a better time for serious change in the political landscape of America recently. The time for real reforms.

With incumbents in both parties at risk, passing real campaign reform laws and term limits would be brilliant.

Oh, I know, it won't happen. But unless people start demanding real reforms the same mistakes are going to keep happening over and over again as politicians continue to be bought.

The only ones who won't be bought are those too toxic in their beliefs to take much money openly. But, they'll still get plenty funneled to them as well.

This is rambling, my head hurts and I can't be coherent.

America is in ugly shape. The time for real, hard changes is during the hard times. We're quickly losing our chance to make reform.

I can dream right?

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