Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flip Side: Obama admits he screwed up!

I lambasted the Tea Partiers, now I'll go the other way. Here is an article about Obama standing by hit policies, but saying he should have "sold" them more.

From the article: Campaigning in Seattle, he said: "We had to move so fast, we were in such emergency mode, that it was very difficult for us to spend time a lot doing victory laps and advertising exactly what we were doing because we had to move onto the next thing."

If he honestly believes this is why so many Americans of all stripes are disappointed in his administration so far then he is completely out of touch with reality.

We aren't upset about the bailout because he didn't sell it. We're pissed about it because it was bailing out many of the very people who created and exacerbated the crisis. We're angered because the version of bailout that went through helped the millionaires and billionaires and did next to nothing for the average American who is struggling with mortgages, finding work, and facing the future with retirement funds that were crushed during the crash.

Most aren't upset that you got health insurance mandated. (Some are, and that's fine too.) But many of us ARE upset about how you did it. You mandated everyone has heath insurance, but then gave them no competitive option to purchase it. You de facto handed ALL the power to the insurance companies while doing nothing or next to nothing to change how they operate.

This is on top of the graceless exit from Iraq, the continuation of many Bush era privacy invasions, your weak stance on off shore oil drilling, the continued debacle in Afghanistan, and on and on.

It was that you didn't sell your policies. Its that you didn't fight for them to matter. You didn't force the Democrats to not cave on a public option. You didn't fight to break up the biggest banks. You haven't fought for privacy rights. We're still embroiled in a nasty war with no end in sight.

Those are the reasons we are mad with you sir. Not that you didn't "sell" us on your polices. They just plain SUCK!

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