Monday, January 31, 2011

Not that this is a surprise

Glenn Beck is an idiot.

Seriously. I don't know what's happened to him over the last 8-9 years where he went from an intelligent person with a more right-wing, but not lockstep view, to the current incarnation of Beck where facts have no more bearing on anything he says than they do for Rush.

Its quite bizarre and disturbing.

Is it ego run wild? Has he really been this insane all along?

I'm referring to these 2 instances where he appears completely out of touch with the reality of American history.

This weird far right movement of turning the Founding Fathers into pseud0-religious figures is creepy and terrifying. They were very human men, with very real flaws, firmly set into their time. That's simply fact, not a knock on who they were or what they did.

But to attempt to say the 3/5th clause was an attack on slavery is simply insane, or to use a term that the right has used so often "revisionist" to the point of lunacy.

I still wonder though, what's happened to him. He used to be able to at least discuss and listen to other points of view. Those skills appear to have left him. Strange.

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