Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Intriguing...I may have options...

Mitt Romney has declined to sign a second hard right, social conservative "pledge."

First he declined to sign the Susan B Anthony list hard-line anti-abortion pledge. (Anti-abortion in all circumstances, no possible option for rape, incest or life of mother threats.)

Now he has declined to sign the "conservative marriage vow" put out by the Family Leader which in its first iteration stated that more black families had 2 parent homes during slavery than they do today. Talk about complete context fail. Wow.

They changed the language after black pastors complained about the wording, but Romney still declined while stating he supported "traditional marriage."

I'll admit that Romney's Mormon faith makes him a hard candidate for me to accept. I need to see more of his economic policy suggestions to truly overcome my concerns, but it looks like the Romney might emerge as a possible alternative to wasting my vote to keep some far right candidate being elected.

I'm pretty sure 15 months from now when the election is happening, I'll look and laugh or cry at this post, but oh well. Its here. Laugh.

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