Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ban the NCAA.

Oh my goodness. Have you seen what happened down in Miami? What a scandal! All those players being paid off, gifts, corruption! We can't let this go on in college sports!

Pardon me while I puke.

Honestly, if you are even remotely suprised by this sort of thing anymore you're either dumb as a stump or a diehard college sports fan. Wait, I'm pretty sure those might be the same thing.

Anyway, college football and basketball are corrupt. Completely and totally corrupt. And who suffers? Is it the coaches who were paid millions (or at least hundreds of thousands prior to being caught) no.

Is it the schools? Not really with the massive TV deals being thrown around.

Its the "student-athletes" the NCAA holds so dear. Funny thing is there are always more disposable student-athletes coming in to be the new stars and who cares who got their future ruined along the way.

College football bores me to tears. I guess some people like watching "high powered" offenses throw idiotic schemes against slow defenses. I don't. Its terrible football.

College basketball pretty much bores me to tears anymore, though if the NBA locks out this year I may break down and watch more than just a few games of the tournament. (Though last year's championship game was possibly the WORST played basketball game I've ever suffered through.)

The problem is colleges are supposed to be institutions of learning, not entertainment centers for hillbilly mouth-breathers.

I don't know what it will take to make the NCAA get "serious" about cleaning up college athletics. But as long as its a multi-billion dollar industry, don't hold your breath.

What a joke.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Corporations are people"

Ah, Mitt. So, apparently you really want the Republican choices to come down to an extremist from Minnesota and yet another ex-Texas governor.

Mitt, you're correct, Corporations ARE technically people thanks to the 14th Amendment. However, they have none of the responsibilities of a person.

So, you might be right, but many of us Americans are upset that what you say is true, especially in light of how so many corporations act completely selfishly and irresponsibly on a scale that few individuals could dream of doing.

Mitt, I hope you realize you completely suck at public speaking. However, sadly, you're the only sane option among current Republican candidates. Yes, that is pathetic.

Please, wake up and realize that no matter what your personal views might be, much of America is pretty upset with corporate fat cats who have done everything to get gov't bailouts, raise gas prices, lay off thousands, and continue to move jobs overseas all while reaping record profits.

If you really want those who might vote Republican to have to choose between Bachmann and Perry, well, keep up with gems like this. But please, for the sake of us Americans who might actually be open to voting for the GOP get your head out of your rear and start listening to what the majority of Americans want. A leader who can bring about prosperity again.

Protecting corporations and other rich entities while the average American is suffering is a good way to lose out to the real crazies in your party who not only want to protect them, but reward them.

This is an average joe begging you, be an option for me. Please.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

America the Stupid

I'm going to post on two completely separate topics, yet ones I feel illustrate just how dumb the average public is. Yes, I just called most of the people in our country dumb and I believe it. You can be highly intelligent and still be dumb sometimes. I'm living proof.

Anyway, first. Why do middle class Americans feel this desperate need to protect the wealthy from higher taxes? I understand, no one likes taxes. I can accept that.

I also understand we cannot tax our way out of our current spending problem. Ok.

I do not understand why average people, people who's real wages have been steadily declining since the 60s, are protecting those who are making them have less money. When the super-rich, not the 500k-1 million a year people, the REALLY REALLY rich, pay less taxes than ever, and our economy is still spiraling downward with rising unemployment, why can they not see that cutting taxes has nothing to do with spurring economic growth anymore? In the pre-global economy maybe that worked (I don't know) but I KNOW it is not working now.

I'm fairly certain that raising taxes on the ultra-rich, changing capital gains laws and trading laws so that big brokerage firms can't just churn stocks to make fees, and creating true incentives for job creation in the US would all do more to benefit the economy than anything currently being done. If you knew the government was going to take 70% of your income in taxes, might you not lessen your income? Might more of it be available to pay employees and hire new employees?

Maybe stocks would go back to being used to raise capital for companies instead of currently being used as a gambling tool and a way to make $10 off someone else's $1.

But no, apparently a vast segment of middle class America thinks this is bad. They appear to think that the relatively small cabal of ultra-rich that do essentially control our economy (this is NOT crazy conspiracy talk, its a simple fact that a tiny percentage of 1% of our population controls the VAST majority of wealth, hence, they essentially control the economy) is a good thing, that they should be left alone, and that all of them deserve every last penny they made. Sure many of them didn't make it by building factories or doing anything more than coming up with a new way to shuffle imaginary money around inside computers, but hey, that's something right?

Now, an interesting thing I've noticed about many of these same people is a dislike of immigrants and a borderline (if not outright) racist attitude towards certain minority groups, usually hispanic and black. They blame the hispanics for illegally coming here to take our jobs, traffic drugs, and ruin our health care system. They call blacks lazy, gang bangers and worthless.

Well, let me point out a few issues with those thoughts.

First, the reason illegal immigrants come here is because for years now jobs have been made available to them. How do you think so many of those massive homes were built so inexpensively during the housing boom? Union labor? HAH. Much was with cheap, and often illegal, immigrant labor. Same with farming, landscaping, meat processing and a large number of other industries. To keep prices low, use cheaper labor! Its not that Americans won't do the jobs, its that American's won't do the jobs for the wages the companies are willing to pay. Nor do I blame them. The rush of illegals has slowed during EVERY economic downturn as there are less jobs. The vast majority don't come to mooch, they come to work. And if there is no work, they don't come.

Second, to drug and gang violence. Mexico is currently in the midst of a war. The drug cartels kill thousands every year and some northern cities are practically under siege. Now, often, it is Mexicans or other hispanics bringing the drugs in and distributing them. But who's buying them? White people.

White people are the biggest consumers of most drugs out there. Partially its because there are more of them, but its also because they can afford them. Cocaine is pricey. Good weed costs money. Its supply and demand. There is a demand for drugs in America, therefore someone is going to supply it. I'm not condoning the drug trade, its horrible, but if you want drug violence to stop, stop buying drugs. Pretty dang simple really.

Finally, the "black" situation in America. Its far from simple. I'm not going to excuse the behavior of too many blacks in America. However, I can understand it. We have treated them as second class citizens, then created well meaning laws that enabled them instead of helping them. There are no simple solutions here, but it is far beyond a "black problem." It is an American problem and prejudice and blame do nothing to move our country forward.

Americans are stupid because they refuse to ever point the finger at themselves. They continue to elect crooks. They continue to allow judges to destroy our electoral system. They continue to protect the wealthy who give back a fraction of what they consume. They refuse to see why people come to this country illegally. The refuse to stop buying illegal drugs, or allowing the legalization of certain drugs to help stem the constant violence. They refuse to take accountability for past issues and see how those issues can still be affecting people today. They refuse to care about how their actions effect other countries and then are incensed when those countries say negative things about the US.

America is not a city on a hill. We aren't the pinnacle of civilization, shining for the world to see. We are a unique nation that can do much good, but we also do much harm, both inwardly and outwardly. Until we accept that we aren't special, we aren't inherently better than others and begin to work on our own problems, things will continue to get worse for the vast majority of the nation.

But, if we want to keep pointing fingers in every other direction, well, we can do that too.

Did I ramble enough here? I'm just tired of people being idiots. I'm not saying I'm always right, but I am saying too many people are never right. And they can't even see that.

"F" is for Failure

About a month ago I posted on how the GOP is broken. At that time I commented on the failure of leadership shown by our President and our Congressional "leaders."

I'm going to take a moment to expound on that.

I've been disappointed in Obama since he appointed his cabinet. Yes, before he even was inaugurated. I saw who he was appointing and as one political hack after another got a post I realized it was going to be business as usual. Change was not going to occur.

I continued to be disappointed in Obama as he caved on every issue dear to his left-leaning base. Conservatives blast him as a "socialist" but that's mere name-calling. His policy suggestions have by and large been centrist if not blatantly right-wing.

*Consider the ill-fated "stimulus." It is essentially trickle-down economics. If we pump money into banks and insure that rich people's taxes stay low, well it will trickle down to job creation.

No, it won't. That failed when Reagan, yes, Ronald Regan about as far from a socialist as one can imagine, tried it. It has failed now.

Consider "Obamacare." While right-wing news attempts to paint it as a massive government intrusion into people's lives, essentially its a massive private company intrusion into people's lives. Granted the gov't says everyone has to have health care (a provision just struck down by a Federal Court, we'll see where this goes), but there was no public option. No alternative to the predatory practices of private health insurance companies that are crushing the American medical system. Obama essentially said to private industry "here, you take care of our health care problem" not a very socialist idea to me.

Also on taxes. Oh those darn "tax and spend" Democrats. Wait, hang on. Obama extended the Bush era tax cuts, and switched around other expiring credits so that they are credited on Social Security taxes. He hasn't raised taxes at all, but the spending that Bush started (and many administrations before him) started keep chugging right away.

Then we get to the national credit default. Obama displayed zero leadership. Well, let me give him his due. He appeared to be leading with the meetings with Boehner until the crazy anti-tax nuts got involved. Then he basically curled up in a ball and cried about those nasty mean ol' Tea Partiers spoiling the plan. A plan that already was essentially a centrist if not right leaning plan!

Did he go on the offensive? Did he instantly roll out a comprehensive plan showing what he felt needed to be done? Did he attack and show the American people he knew how to LEAD and that he wasn't going to let the Grover Norquist robots destroy America?

Nope. He said how upset he was and after a couple days the Democrats rolled out a plan. But honestly, you didn't have a contingency plan going on in case talks broke down? Really?

Obama is essentially Jimmy Carter. A nice, intelligent man who surrounded or allowed himself to be surrounded by party hacks who has NO idea how to lead. He focuses on one issue at a time, and even then not very well, and appears to have no plan, no ideas, no WAY to better our country.

It terrifies me because there is a distinct possibility a Michele Bachmann could end up in the White House.

President Obama, you have about 6 months to show America you know how to lead. You have 6 months until the campaigns kick off in earnest and actual governing falls by the wayside. All is not lost, but if any of that "Change" you talked about is going to occur, it needs to occur NOW.

You can't complain the GOP won't work with you. That's ok. You need to sell your plan, whatever it is, to America and let the American public see that you can lead us back to greatness. However, if you continue to cave, if you continue to waver, if you continue to believe in trickle-down economic policies, you will lose those who supported you in the past, you will not gain new supporters, and you could leave the country in the hands of some very disturbing people.

You have the power. Show us you know what to do with it.

*As was kindly pointed out to me by my brother, I was meshing TARP (which began under Bush, but did have Obama's tacit support during Bush's final days) with the 2009 Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

These are two very different stimulus programs that worked (or failed) in different ways.

I still hold that, as evidenced by Obama's support (or at least lack of will to fight against) for the Bush Era tax cuts, and how much of the stimulus came in the form of tax cuts/refunds/shifting money around etc. that he is far from socialist and often crosses towards the middle right in the policies he supports.

Is some of that pragmatism?

Possibly, but too much pragmatism is what keeps the status quo going.

Thanks to schmichael for pointing out my glaring error.