Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ban the NCAA.

Oh my goodness. Have you seen what happened down in Miami? What a scandal! All those players being paid off, gifts, corruption! We can't let this go on in college sports!

Pardon me while I puke.

Honestly, if you are even remotely suprised by this sort of thing anymore you're either dumb as a stump or a diehard college sports fan. Wait, I'm pretty sure those might be the same thing.

Anyway, college football and basketball are corrupt. Completely and totally corrupt. And who suffers? Is it the coaches who were paid millions (or at least hundreds of thousands prior to being caught) no.

Is it the schools? Not really with the massive TV deals being thrown around.

Its the "student-athletes" the NCAA holds so dear. Funny thing is there are always more disposable student-athletes coming in to be the new stars and who cares who got their future ruined along the way.

College football bores me to tears. I guess some people like watching "high powered" offenses throw idiotic schemes against slow defenses. I don't. Its terrible football.

College basketball pretty much bores me to tears anymore, though if the NBA locks out this year I may break down and watch more than just a few games of the tournament. (Though last year's championship game was possibly the WORST played basketball game I've ever suffered through.)

The problem is colleges are supposed to be institutions of learning, not entertainment centers for hillbilly mouth-breathers.

I don't know what it will take to make the NCAA get "serious" about cleaning up college athletics. But as long as its a multi-billion dollar industry, don't hold your breath.

What a joke.

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