Thursday, August 23, 2012


"Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others." -Ta-Nehisi Coates

 Sorry America, that specter Racism is alive and well.

 I know, I know, you don't want to admit it, but sorry, its true.

 Its true in the little things you say, the little assumptions you make, the stereotypes you hold. Its there. You don't have to join the KKK, you don't have to call them N******, you don't have to do a lot of things, many racist attitudes are totally passive. Its about what you say, what you think, what you at heart believe. 

Its funny how often I hear "well blacks can be racist too."

 Ok, I agree, there is a certain percentage of the black population that is racist. They, like the vast majority of racist whites, veer towards the 2nd sentence of the quote.

 There are racist black people, some of them as bad as any racist white.

 BUT, before white folk get all justified in their own little prejudices, let me point something out, the blacks aren't the people in power.

 WAIT you cry! White america is under attack! Look at all the benefits afforded minorities and women! Its so hard to be a white man!

 No, its not.

 White men still run this country. Pardon me, RICH white men run this country.

 If you aren't one of them it isn't affirmative actions fault. It isn't NOW's fault. Its the oligarchy of good ol' boys and new money men who control most economic goings on in the US.

 Here's the thing: People of all races suck. Basically humanity sucks. We're imperfect, we're flawed, we're damaged. BUT, when the group that holds power, and I'm sorry white america, you hold the power no matter how badly you want to believe you don't, holds ideas, prejudices (it can be proven, look at prison sentencing black v. white for the same crimes), hold beliefs, its far more damaging to the country than when the minority holds similar views.

 This is NOT excusing minorities for any general "racist" beliefs they might hold. But, isn't it more understandable they would hold them when they are much more likely to be stopped and questioned by police (most often white), go to a lesser school than their white peers, and generally have the odds stacked against them?

 Blacks in this country have had the deck stacked against them since the late 19th century. The gains made immediately after the Civil War, well, many of them died with Lincoln and others have been destroyed since, whether maliciously by blatantly racist laws or inadvertently by misguided social policy (see the Great Society, though, I sometimes wonder how inadvertent LBJ was really...).

 We are generations deep, in all honestly we are almost 10 generations deep of black families being destroyed, first by slavery, then by economic factors, then by social engineering factors. Its unfortunate that so many black Americans have no idea how to live "normal," healthy lives.

 I'm not even saying that they have to live like middle class Americans because frankly, I'm not sure that's healthy. But the violence that pervades so much of their culture, the lack of a father in too many young black men's lives (and anymore, that's certainly a white problem too), its tragic.

 And while it does not excuse the eventual behavior, it helps to explain it. Instead of fearing, instead of holding prejudice, instead of viewing them as parasites (which so many people do, listen to how people talk, facts don't matter, there are millions on welfare doing nothing to support themselves....right..) maybe view them as fellow human beings. View them as fellow Americans, who just want to live their lives. Maybe you could support them, even third party, through groups trying to help the less fortunate.

 White America, I'm sorry, but you're still horrifically racist. You need to start accepting that, because if you don't, if you, the majority race, don't, why on earth would any of the minority races attempt to do the same?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"[C]areer ambition was not to go to Washington"

Really Mitt?  Really?  You're saying a guy, who has worked essentially his WHOLE CAREER (except for a brief marketing consultant job at the family business to pad his resume for office)  in Washington never had a career ambition there?

When exactly did he not have this ambition?  When he was 8 and wanting to be a fireman or astronaut?  Because by the time he was in college he was happily, even enthusiastically taking staffing jobs.  His first job out of college was as a speechwriter for Jack Kemp.   Yes, certainly seems like he didn't intend to work in Washington.

There are so many lies being thrown around by both sides its not even funny, but this one is pretty good.  Mitt, admit it, you put Ryan on the ticket because you've never consistently stood for anything in your political career.  Ryan was put there to give the conservatives peace of mind that you are a true believer, even when you're not in anything except Mitt.

Its interesting how Obama is called a socialist and communist (ignoring the fact the two are highly dissimilar) and its a bad thing.  But Ryan, an avowed Objectivist, is somehow praised as a champion.  Does the average person know anything about Objectivism?  I'm thinking not.

Especially Christians because Objectivism is essentially anathema to the gospel of Christ though it is very much an American philosophy.  (I have no idea of Mr. Paul's religious beliefs, but when the person who's philosophy you hold dear is summed up in this quote "My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute [2]." that doesn't leave a lot of leeway for Christ's message.)

This not saying that Marx's writings were kind to religion.  "Religion is the opiate of the masses" doesn't leave much room for it either, but some of the basic ideals of socialism are not that far from some of Christ's teachings either.  (I am not saying Christ was a socialist, merely pointing out that his life and the life of the early church has far more in common with socialist and even, gasp, communal, ideals than anything Rand ever imagined.)

It boggles the mind that while bi-partisan and non-partisan groups publish report after report that Ryan's budget and Romney's tax plan would shift even MORE of the tax burden to the middle class (since its simply impossible to cut the amount needed) middle class and even lower class whites flock to the idea.  

I guess the obvious solution to any problem is to burn down and start over right?  Oh, and make sure the rich don't have too pay too much in taxes because keeping their taxes low does an excellent job of creating jobs for people in this country.  

Good job guys!

(President Obama, I can't even begin to describe how angry I am at your administration for putting forth essentially no good ideas over the last few years to combat the lunacy of the far-right economic folks.  Its pathetic really.)    

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ah politics.

Representative Boehner, while talking on a Fox Radio show today made the statement concerning Obama that "He's never even had a real job for God's sake."

Now, I suppose Mr Boehner might not consider such things as being a community organizer, a civil rights lawyer, or a law professional real jobs, that's fine.

But what is absolutely hilarious about his statement is that Rep. Paul Ryan, the "mastermind" of the GOP's budget, actually NEVER has held a job outside of politics.  He worked as a congressional staffer until he was approached about entering politics so he left being a staffer to work as a "marketing consultant" to his family's construction business briefly before running for office.

So, what would Mr. Boehner say about his fellow Congressman, who by Boehner's measuring stick must have actually held NEGATIVE jobs if Obama's jobs didn't count.

Its idiocy.  The people in charge of both parties are idiots but I really really don't understand the Republican view of keeping the rich as rich as possible and somehow that will trickle down.  

Oh well.  Only a few more months until another 3 years of stagnant idiocy.   *sigh*