Friday, July 13, 2007

The environment and webcomics

Alright. First, a little frustration to vent. I'm frustrated at rich celebrities, of any stripe, who are suddenly jumping on the "green" bandwagon. I guess I should have stated that I fully support sensible environmental action. Spewing toxins and carbon dioxide into the air is bad. Cutting down too many trees is bad. Over-fishing is bad.

However, I have a problem with many of these people. They buy a Prius, or 'biodegradable' clothes or the newest 'green' appliances. All of that is well and good. BUT! Do you really need a 15,000 square foot home? AND a vacation house?

The response is "I buy carbon credits." As if that somehow makes it ok. What many people, especially wealthier people do not seem to understand about preventing environmental change is that it is going to require a change in lifestyle. A DRASTIC change in lifestyle. We must reduce consumption, not just buy a clean conscience. All that does is push all the real changes off onto the poor people who cannot buy credits.

I am not against credits. Say a singer or movie star or politician has to fly alot for their job. Ok, buy some carbon credits to off-set that. That's great. But, when you go to build a house, build it 'green' yes, but conserve too. I don't care how 'green' a house is built, it'll be a lot more green at 3000 sq ft. than at 15000 sq. ft. All you'll do if you have more space is fill it up with stuff that no matter how energy efficient is going to use energy. It seems the "REDUCE" part of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" is being forgotten. And that is not good. I'm concerned that being 'green' is becoming so trendy, that it will become just that, a trend, and not have a lasting impact.

I understand that we NEED to change, but we aren't. We're still just consuming and cosuming and consuming. We must consume some to keep the economy going, BUT at what environmental cost? I'll write more some other day.

The other part, webcomics. Ahh, such wonderfulness. (That is now a word.) Check out PvP. ( Check out Sheldon. ( Check out Starslip Crisis. ( Check out Schlock Mercenary. ( What artistry, what wit, what fun! If you enjoy the funnies, webcomics is where it is at because aside from Get Fuzzy and Pearls Before Swine and maybe one or two others, there ain't much out there. And they are all so heavily censored and I don't just mean cursing. The web is where creativity is completely allowed to roam free. Check these guys out and others. Then, if you like them, buy a book, or a shirt, or an original art piece. These guys are good.

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