Thursday, September 4, 2008


(Just so's ya know, this isn't a blog saying how evil the Republicans are and that you should vote Democrat. Its just a blog musing on the hilarity that's been going on at the Republican convention. )

The Republican's have lost it. Lost what? you might ask. Their minds apparently. Somehow, the party that has had power in this country for the last 8 years, six of those years controlling both the White House AND Congress, can position themselves as the outside reformers. Its bizarre. And, are the American people dumb enough to fall for it?

No, I'm not calling you dumb if you vote Republican. I'm calling you dumb if you vote Republican because you think they're outsiders and not part of the Washington elite. They are. The Presidential candidate? He's been in the Senate for 26 years. Sure, they picked Palin to be the VP, but admit it, that was a desperation move because who else could McCain pick that wasn't going to get SHREDDED in the media? (Not that Palin is getting a pass, but here's a note to the media, NO ONE CARES OR SHOULD CARE IF HER DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT YOU IDIOTS!) Sure Palin as a reformer is being questioned, but that is fine. Focus on her politics, NOT her family.

What's funny is watching people like Guiliani and Romney (both multi-millionaires) rail at the "Washington elite." Cause they can relate better to my life? Being rich in and of itself is not wrong, but please, don't pander to me. (Again, Obama is FAR from poor, but he also hasn't been rich NEARLY as long as these guys. And working as a community organizer keeps you a bit closer to reality than most of these other jobs.) And its also funny hearing Guiliani and Romney talk about conservative ideals, since last I checked, their conservative credentials were a wee bit lacking.

The Republicans have had the power. They still have the (very quiet) Presidency. So, people, don't be duped that the Republicans are outsiders who will come in to save the day. They are not. If you somehow think the last 8 years have been a good thing, or believe that McCain would do a better job than Bush (it would be tough to do worse) then vote your conscience, that's fine. But don't buy the hype. They've been having a chance. You can extend it if you want, that's up to you.

A brief look at the other side. I am VERY unhappy with the Democrats who have held power in Congress the past 2 years. They keep saying they don't have the numbers to override a veto, which is true. So why have they not been sending bill after bill to Bush and forcing him to veto it? Where is the paper trail of "we tried but Bush vetoed it." instead of a bunch of whining soundbites on how they can't override the veto. Who cares. Show us you're trying. Its been pathetic and if they lose, they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

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