Wednesday, February 18, 2009


For those of you that don't spend way too much time online, that means exactly what it reads as. When you screw up, and you put your face in your palm and go "doh!" like Homer Simpson.

That's sorta what its like to live in Illinois right now. Why? Well, our (ex)governor was just impeach and removed from office. And now, the guy he appointed to Obama's Senate seat is..well, facing questions of his own about why he neglected to mention, nay, denied, contacts with Blagoevich's people before he was chosen for the Senate seat.

If Mr. Burris truly has nothing to hide (right...) he would have said it all at the hearing where he claims now he didn't have enough time to answer the question fully. I personally think saying pretty much "I had no contacts with Blagoevich's people." is sort of final when you'd then have to explain how, "Except for the ones I did have contact with. And, yeah, I was gonna be a head fundraiser for Blago."

I don't see how those jive really. Oh wait, they don't.

So, Mr. Burris, again, what an ethically minded person would have done when offered the seat is say "no thanks, sir, I've been working for you and it might look inappropriate." Simple, effective, honest.

No, instead, he drags our state into the mud, AGAIN, and is staunchly refusing to resign, or even admit wrongdoing. Just that he left somethings out. Oops!

And, Mr. Burris, I think you should have to pay for any future special elections if the state assembly votes to have those in the future. Yay, lets waste millions of dollars on special elections when the system works just fine when honest (or, at least as honest as politicians get) hold power.

What a mess.

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