Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fighting fire with....

So, Liberty University, founded by the late Jerry Falwell and run by his son, just cancelled their Democratic Party club. Here is a nice little story on it.

That's fine. They are a private institution and can do what they wish. However, if this is the route Christian schools are going to head, then please, don't complain when Christian programs get cut at other universities.

Do I think its wrong that univerisities frequently discriminate against Christians? Yes! Is the answer discriminating against a group at their school? No.

I really find disturbing that the reasons cited are because the group's parent Party stands against the school's "moral principles."

This bothers me because they still have a Republican Party Club. Now, I'm sure they mean the moral principles of abortion is wrong and gay marriage is wrong and that's fine.

However, the Republican leadership in this country lead us into 2 wars that have killed probably over 200,000 people combined (a conservative estimate if you ask me). Helped to foster immense amounts of greed which helped lead the current economic crisis.

Oh, and constantly ignored or put off the poor and down-trodden in favor the the wealthy and privileged.

I don't really see how those are sound moral principles either.

Its Liberty's choice, I merely think it is a pretty darn poor one.


samantha said...

It is ridiculous that we Christians have claimed any political party as the "right" one. Political parties, by their nature are political and have nothing to do with following the way of Christ. It is sad that Liberty has clearly lost sight of this fact in their haste to make rules.

schmichael said...

Ditto what Sam said. :-)