Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Come in Peace (Shoot to Kill)

Not that anyone important (or more probably anyone at all) cares about my opinion, but when has that stopped me before?

The US attempts to portray itself to the world as a champion of democracy (assuming a democracy would elect our guy), freedom, and human rights.

However, I don't see how we can do that with any hint of honesty as we continue to carry out raids, both human and drone on foreign soil without any sort of permission.

We claim its in the "War on Terror" and that we are killing "bad people." Ok, maybe we are. Maybe we are killing Al Qaeda terrorists one at a time.

But at what expense? We've pretty much destroyed our relationship with Pakistan (as tenuous and full of lies on both sides as it was), Yemen holds no love for us as we continue to kill on their soil, Iraqis have been ready for us to go home for years. How many future terrorists are we creating by killing in this manner?

Look at it this way, if a terrorist group was based in the US and was giving attacks in another country, would we be ok if that country flew a drone in or dropped a Special Operations team in to kill them? Of course not!!! (The most recent drone attack in Yemen killed ~7 people. This is [i]roughly[/i] equivalent to 80 odd Americans.)

Even if it was "justified" we'd be outraged at foreign attacks on our soil!

Apparently, its ok because the countries we do it to can't fight back. Might makes right.

I must say I'm greatly saddened by the Obama administration continuing the Bush policy of "screw other nation's sovereignty, we're the US." Granted, the killings are on a far smaller scale of magnitude, but that does not make them any more right, just slightly less horrible.

How can something as simple as "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you" be so difficult for us to grasp? I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything about the terrorists, merely there is a right way to do it and our way of doing it. We're only continuing the cycle of violence and adding to their real and imagined reasons on why we're evil.

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