Tuesday, April 7, 2015

So, this time it'll make a difference.

Well, another police officer has been caught on camera gunning down an unarmed black man. This time, the man was obviously running from the officer who shoots him 8 times in the back as he runs away.

The officer then calls for backup from the body he has just handcuffed, because he's obviously a threat. Oh, the officer then tosses a taser by the body. I can't say "plants" but why are you throwing a taser next to the handcuffed body of a man you just shot in the back 8 times? Oh, and then accused of attempting to take said taser from you which is why you feared for your life and had to shoot him.

Why did this start? Drug dealing? Robbery? Or a busted tail light? If you guessed C, you would be correct.

I'd love to claim that THIS will be the one that changes people's minds. That wakes them up that there is a problem with cops killing black men, especially unarmed black men, for minor offenses.

But it won't be. Why? Because upper and middle class whites are going to believe the police when they smear this guy. They've been trained to believe from little on up that the police are the good guys (and many are) and for them, for WHITE people the police are!  For too many blacks they are not.

Chris Rock the prominent comedian has started posting instagram pics every time he is pulled over. A black man driving a nice car. I'm sure he was driving all over the road.

Not all cops are bad cops. In fact, few cops are truly bad. Its the culture of cops that is toxic. Its the culture that was going to cover up this crime, for it is a crime, until the video surfaced. Its the culture that turns otherwise good men and women into accessories to murder, theft, rape, and assault.

Look at the NYPD study on complaints of police brutality. A small percentage of cops made up a giant proportion of the complaints! Instead of "re-training" theses criminals again and again, kick them off the force and insure they cannot work in a police or security facility again. Many people aren't cut out to be cops and a lot of them are not because they are too timid, its because they have a criminal mindset themselves.

I grieve for the family of Walter Scott and I can only pray that justice is served. But I'm not naive enough to believe its going to change anything. Sadly.

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