Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Honesty with Deficits

I feel posty today I guess.

I was having an interesting discussion with my dad the other day on such things as the budget deficit, the bailout, etc. He was pointing out how with the deficits we will be running, added to the debt we have, there is pretty much no hope of ever getting the country out of debt.

I pretty much agree. But I might have a more fatalistic view then some people. Currently the talk is of how this debt will bankrupt our children and grandchildren. HAH! I laugh at you! I'm 29 and I fully expect to never see a penny of what I pay in social security. I just don't. I'm not planning for a future that relies on it. I just don't expect it to be there.

That is why I am not overly concerned with the massive deficits Obama's budget will be running. He's honest about it. He says we have to spend now to get out of this crisis. He might be wrong, but at least he is being honest that its going to cost a lot now.

A problem I have is the Republicans have now reared up and are whining about how much this is all going to cost. Now, I'm pretty sure they had the majority Congress AND the Presidency for 6 of the previous 8 years. During that time a modest surplus was squandered into the largest deficits we had seen until now.

Now, don't think I'm letting the Democrats off the hook because the previous 2 years they did nothing to stem the flow besides whine. And boy did they whine.

So, I guess what I'm saying is this: I believe we as a nation have been financially screwed for about the last 5 years. Do I hope to be proved wrong? Yes. But at least I'm expecting the worst to come.

And at least Obama is saying he's going to spend like a drunk sailor to "fix" this mess.

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