Monday, March 30, 2009

Radical Love

Our pastor, Eric, was preaching on reconciliation between believers in church. It was interesting as he was preaching from Matt 18:15-22 where it is instructing on how to deal with fellow believers who sin against you.

It says how if even when you take a member before the church they still refuse to see their sin, then you are to treat them as a pagan and a tax collector.

Now, lots of churches interpret this as you are to shun them and kick them out of the church.

However, as Pastor Eric pointed out (and I was writing on my notepad right before he said it) Jesus hung out with pagans and tax collectors! What we are called to do is show RADICAL LOVE! That love that holds no grudges, doesn't count wrongs, and forgives and forgives and loves. (Now, this doesn't mean you put yourself at stupid risk. You wouldn't say, let a drug addict have open access to your money, that's just dumb.)

It ties in with the book I mentioned in my last post, on how living the kingdom of God is all about showing crazy radical love the world doesn't understand! Heck, most CHRISTIANS don't understand it! Its why we are looked upon as being so hateful and hypocritical! We don't love the very ones we are called to show Christ's love too. Namely, those that don't know him! (And each other of course!)

Now, this is something I struggle with. It really is. But, I figure since I at least realize it is a struggle for me, that's a step ahead of the curve. Right?

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