Thursday, March 26, 2009

Power Over/Power Under

Reading a good book right now called "The Myth of Christian Nation" by Dr. Gregory Boyd. The premise is how pursuit of political power, on both sides, right and left though it was written in response to the massive evangelical outpouring to electing Bush for the 2nd time, is destroying the Church in America.

Its a good read so far. He has focused much of his discussion on what Jesus preached, the Kingdom of God. Jesus focused an imense amount of his ministry on the Kingdom of God and what it is like living the kingdom life. It is a life built out of humility and love.

When Christians begin to believe that temporal political power is necessary to forward God's kingdom, they have lost sight of the Kingdom of God. God's kingdom is not one of "power over" but of "power under." We live under the political system, and when we get focused on a competition, that we must "win" to see God's work go forward, we aren't living the Kingdom life. We aren't living a life of love as Jesus lived.

Boyd is not saying Christians should abstain from the political process though he understands if you do. He is saying that the massive amount of faith the Church is putting on people to fix things instead of God to change hearts and lives is disturbing.

I look forward to getting farther along in this engrossing book.

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