Friday, March 26, 2010

Equal Treatment Under the Law?

Albert Gonzalez, the hacker who broke into Barnes & Noble, TJ Maxx and others and stole credit card numbers, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Prosecutors claim he caused 200 million dollars in damages. Numbers are always hilariously inflated in hacking cases because there is no real way to prove how much money was lost.

The executives, brokers, and traders at the nations largest banks stole/lost well over 200 BILLION (actual losses probably far closer to a trillion, but anyway) and what do they get?

Just another $30 BILLION (yes, 150x the losses this hacker supposedly caused) in bonuses in 2009 while 10% of americans are out of work and the REAL number is closer to 15%.

So, does the hacker deserve to go to jail? Yes.

For 20 years? (Probably 10 with good behavior.) No.

Should something happen to the bankers? Yes.

A 150x Yes.

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