Thursday, March 25, 2010

Remember Your Witness

During the past twelve months or so a loose conglomeration of people have formed the semi-organized "Tea Party." Their beliefs are varied, but it mainly appears to be a libertarian belief of "less government" and lower taxes.

That's ok. This isn't a commentary on the lack of intellectual thought to their platform.
If you are in the the Tea Party, and a believer, please remember your witness. This applies to Christians involved in any political group, but currently, its the Tea Party that is the loudest, most obnoxious, hate-filled and borderline terroristic group out there.

Now, I understand, its a small percentage of the Tea Partiers who are hinting at violence. However, its a larger, though still most likely a minority, who are being very hateful and ugly vocally at protests.

It is a wonderful right in this country to voice your opinion. You can voice it loudly if you like. However, as Christians we are called to a higher path. It is imperative we act with love.

Spewing hateful words, racist words, is not loving.

Please, voice your displeasure at the things the government does. But please do so in a Christlike manner. The Roman's did some pretty horrid stuff, but Christ wasn't screaming in the streets about it.

He did seem to get pretty upset at religious leaders who were a bit focused on monetary gain and rigid moralism though...

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