Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Old School Republican's take on the last 30 years

Mother Jones did a great article based off interviews with David Stockman, Reagan's first budget director.

He's a fiscal conservative, but he's a true fiscal conservative. He understands that just cutting taxes while spending the same amount, more, or with tiny spending decreases doesn't work.

He's appalled by the continual military spending going up and up (his suggest chop 100-150 billion off the Pentagon's budget in one year, currently we're aiming to lower it by 78 billion over a total of 5 years) and was against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also, he views the "casino" that is Wall Street as bad for Main Street and the US economy as a whole. He supports the "Tobin tax" which would tax financial transactions and could generate 100 billion dollars a year. It also might have the effect of making the market a place where middle class people might actually be able to make some money. But yes, a Republican who supports a tax!

Its a very interesting and informative read and I just wanted to share it.

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