Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dual Post

Ah me. I am so terrible at communication in this modern age. I recently switched my main email address due to a variety of reasons. One being that zao4metal may be cool when you're 20 and think that zao=live (sort of in ancient greek anyway) makes a great email address. Not at 27 when you're married and emailing a variety of people.

Due to the switch I had no clue it was a D&D (yes, Dungeons and Dragons 3.5) today, until about 9:00 tonight. I had not gotten the new email in time. AND I had not heard my phone ring, lots of times. I'm really bad about that. REALLY bad. I worry sometimes people will think I'm trying to avoid them. I'm not (at least not anymore). I'm just really bad about staying in touch.

Now, I think there is a bit too much communication going on sometimes today. (Texting while driving? COME ON!) But, that is no excuse on my part to not really stay in touch with people. I just need to get better at it. I guess that is something to strive for in the coming year. Better communication with my friends and family.

As to the second part of this...I just want to say that my D&D group is great. I've had so much fun with the group and look forward to each time we get to play. Some of you might think its childish a bunch of 20/30 somethings playing D&D, but its not. Its lots of fun.

Its just nice to get to hang out with people of similar interests and spend time together. Is it a bit cheesy? Maybe, but its also, to me, a book that's been written with me as one of the authors. Each time we play more of the story unfolds, and in ways we couldn't even imagine. (Our elf falling while climbing 10 feet 3 times in row and starting to die from it? Who'd write that? But it made for a hilarious time! Well, not for the elf....)

To my group, you guys are great. To the world, being able to game with a bunch of grown-ups is lots of fun. You should try it.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Ahh, I love when I'm perusing the news and Wal-Mart pops up under a failed venture. This time its with their online video sales venture. What, you didn't realize Wal-Mart had an online video sales venture? Well, they did. And it failed. Mostly due to high prices and DRM which meant you could only play it on one computer. So, they spent lots of money and got little in return. Haha!

I don't like Wal-Mart. I don't like their business model and I don't like how they treat both employees and customers. I shop there, on RARE occasions, but I am blessed to have a Kroger's right around the corner, an Aldi's down the street, and a K-Mart and Sears in the same town, both slightly closer than the Wal-Mart. This is besides the various other stores I shop at to avoid WM. I don't like them because they pretty much force their suppliers into making things overseas (read: China). Nelson sprinkler's are a good example of that. Wal-Mart wanted to sell their products, but at X price. Nelson said, we can't even MAKE them for that price. So then Wal-Mart laid out for Nelson a plan on how to get their sprinkler's not built here in America (many in Peoria, IL) or even Mexico, but China. So now they are cheap, and you get exactly what you paid for even though their is a quality name on the box.

I also don't find it cost effective to walk into a Wal-Mart and have to spend a minimum of 25 minutes in the store. I have to be saving LOTS of money to make going their worth my time. 25 minutes of my time is worth at least $5. At least! Not counting the frustration of waiting in line while 10 or 12 registers are unmanned (or unwomanned). I understand, it saves money. But time is money to me, and so usually the net result is NOT any money saved on my part. And they don't get my business.

As far as online video or music goes, DRM has to go. People are getting tired of buying media and being told HOW they can use it. If I buy a CD, I should be able to do whatever I like with it as long as what I bought stays in my possession. If I can play it on my microwave (you can't, it just makes the back of a CD look really cool) that should be ok, as long as I'm not reselling or giving it away to others. And, in case the media companies haven't caught on DRM doesn't prevent people from doing that, it just makes those of us who try to get our media legally upset.

Services where you have signed a contract and understand you're only "renting" the media are different. I believe that's sort of how Microsoft's Zune works. And if you understand that, and are ok with that, then its all good. But if you're expected to pay full price for media, and only get a VERY limited way to use it, that's not going to make customers happy or want to buy from you again.

I'm not a marketing genius. I don't know what the best business models for digital media are, its still a relatively new market and while growing, its also going through its growing pains. But, the media companies are going to HAVE to learn they must change. And people who work for or make money from the media companies must adapt too. (Sorry Hollywood writers, that includes you. You'll have to figure out how to make it work.)

Me, I still like to hold my media. Movies it doesn't matter so much, but as far as my music, I like liner notes for many of my favorite bands. And since many of them are on indie labels anyway, I like to support them. I don't file-share music or movies. I'm not a better person than people who do, its just I do view it as stealing most of the time. (There are gray areas. I might download a song that's CONSTANTLY on the radio I like. I'll be sick of it in a month, and there are so few good ALBUMS anymore that I view it differently. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do. Oh, this amounts to maybe 10 songs a year...) But to all the file-sharers out there who, if there was a simple, cheap way to get their media how they want it, lobby for it. Make it known you'll pay for and use a good system. And hopefully, one will be coming. (Aside from iTunes :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Death Penalty

I believe society must first determine if its endorsement of violence begets violence, and if violence undermines our commitment to the sanctity of life. To these questions, I answer, "Yes."

- Governor Jon S. Corzine, announcing the abolition of the death penalty in New Jersey. Corzine also stated, "Other good people will describe today's actions in quite different terms — in terms of injustice — particularly those who carry heavy hearts, broken hearts from their tragic losses. This bill does not forgive or in any way condone the unfathomable acts carried out by the eight men now on New Jersey's death row. They will spend the rest of their lives in jail." (Source: The New York Times)

Wow, sensible talk about a sensitive subject. The death penalty ranks with abortion and gay rights as one of the "hot topics" in American politics. It seems you're supposed to be 100% for it, or 100% against it and not to listen to any rational thoughts from the other side.

Here's how I put my views on the death penalty. I believe there are some people, who commit such heinous crimes, that they deserve to die. Some people are evil. Its that simple. I believe God can change and redeem anyone, but that doesn't mean that some people aren't evil and don't deserve to live.

That being said, I don't believe that the state or federal government is equipped to make that decision. Death is irreversible. You can't cast resurrection and spend some diamonds to bring someone back (random D&D reference). Even if you could be 99.9% certain, you'll still eventually, execute an innocent person. That is unacceptable.

You can show all the numbers about how cost-inefficient the death penalty is compared to life in prison, and I agree. But to me, that doesn't even matter in the argument. All that matters to me is that if you have the death penalty innocent people will be killed by the state once in awhile and that is NOT ok. Ever.

Does this mean I'm unsympathetic to the families of the victims? No. But I'm sorry, you will have to find another way to find closure without blood being shed. Life in prison without parole means they won't hurt anyone again. That is what's going to have to happen. I'm sorry. I do believe that some people deserve to die. But I can't support the death penalty anymore. Its unjust and unfairly meted out. And, innocent people will die, something the death penalty is supposed to prevent.

We need to get past the BCE idea of blood for blood. It doesn't solve anything. I'm glad that the governor and legislature of New Jersey could see that. Hopefully, all the states will adopt an approach like theirs. We banned it once in this country, it would do us well as a nation to do so again.


It's never a good day when you wake up, turn on the radio in your car and they're telling you a top political leader in a country has been killed. Benazir Bhutto. A brave woman. Struck down needlessly in an attack by extremists. (Most likely.)

This is pretty much the last thing Pakistan needs right now. Musharraf needed as much stability as possible, and while it had thrown things into turmoil when Bhutto came back, things are going to get REALLY ugly now. The masses seemed to love her and Pakistan needed as much stability and solidarity as possible. Now, thanks to an assasin's bomb, that is all at risk.

The last thing the US and the world needs right now is an unstable Pakistan. With the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan needing full support (or at least decent support) from the Pakistanis, more serious internal turmoil is very, very bad. Add to this the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear armed state, and well, I'm sorry, but I think everyone would agree, you don't want those states unstable.

To the people of Pakistan, you're in my prayers. I hope all the world is praying for peace and stability in your nation. Our belief systems may not agree on many points, but we're all part of the human race, and as such, we're all in this together. God willing, your country will weather this time and come through stronger with more freedoms than ever before.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Stuff

Merry Christmas to all! It would be wonderful if everyone could come to know the love Christ brought to earth in human form this day (traditionally) 2,000 years ago. Remember, the love CHRIST brought, his followers are still working on that part (we promise).

Today, my wife and I took a day off and had a Hibernation Day. We got the idea from Jars of Clay's Christmas album aptly titled Christmas songs. Pretty much we got up late and have eaten junk food and watched the first two Godfather movies. It's been wonderful! We'll be switching to Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season two here shortly! Yay!

This Christmas I'm not sick and jaded by the whole commercialization of it, mainly because I did most of my shopping online, but also because I have realized this is NOT a new problem. In the spirit of Christmas I watched the 1940s version of Miracle on 34th St. with my wife. It was illuminating because there it was, the 1940s, and Christmas had become too commercial.

Does this make me feel better about how any true meaning of Christmas has been pretty much stripped from society. No, but at least its not a new problem. Funny how so many "new" problems really aren't new, just repackaged and conveniently forgotten by a generation.

We live in a secular society. That's fine with me. I suppose I just want people, whether private or public figures, to be able to speak/act/show support for Christmas freely. People are far too touchy about things. If a Jew wants to tell me Happy Hanukkah, great for them! If I'm told, Happy Kwaanza, I have no issue with that. So on and so forth. So why, WHY do people get upset about Merry Christmas?

Is Christ really THAT scary? (Some of his followers might be, but he's not, I swear!) Ah well, I'm sure I'll touch more on that another time. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Not so long recap

Ok, well, my work started blocking (as well as of so i switched to other blog sites. Now, I'm resurrecting this one as a catch-all for my randomness.

This is mainly due to our new computer and the fact that while we have Vista, it is still an improvement from NT2000 and a messed up old machine.

Its almost Christmas, a time of joy and family. I just don't know where the time has gone. It's going on 3 months I've been married now! Like they say, time flies when you're having fun. :)

I fully intend to keep this fairly updated as topics go through my head. Well, not that often, but often enough.

Oh, and maybe, just maybe, I can figure out how to use google docs and post a campaign blog for our D&D campaign.