Thursday, December 27, 2007

Death Penalty

I believe society must first determine if its endorsement of violence begets violence, and if violence undermines our commitment to the sanctity of life. To these questions, I answer, "Yes."

- Governor Jon S. Corzine, announcing the abolition of the death penalty in New Jersey. Corzine also stated, "Other good people will describe today's actions in quite different terms — in terms of injustice — particularly those who carry heavy hearts, broken hearts from their tragic losses. This bill does not forgive or in any way condone the unfathomable acts carried out by the eight men now on New Jersey's death row. They will spend the rest of their lives in jail." (Source: The New York Times)

Wow, sensible talk about a sensitive subject. The death penalty ranks with abortion and gay rights as one of the "hot topics" in American politics. It seems you're supposed to be 100% for it, or 100% against it and not to listen to any rational thoughts from the other side.

Here's how I put my views on the death penalty. I believe there are some people, who commit such heinous crimes, that they deserve to die. Some people are evil. Its that simple. I believe God can change and redeem anyone, but that doesn't mean that some people aren't evil and don't deserve to live.

That being said, I don't believe that the state or federal government is equipped to make that decision. Death is irreversible. You can't cast resurrection and spend some diamonds to bring someone back (random D&D reference). Even if you could be 99.9% certain, you'll still eventually, execute an innocent person. That is unacceptable.

You can show all the numbers about how cost-inefficient the death penalty is compared to life in prison, and I agree. But to me, that doesn't even matter in the argument. All that matters to me is that if you have the death penalty innocent people will be killed by the state once in awhile and that is NOT ok. Ever.

Does this mean I'm unsympathetic to the families of the victims? No. But I'm sorry, you will have to find another way to find closure without blood being shed. Life in prison without parole means they won't hurt anyone again. That is what's going to have to happen. I'm sorry. I do believe that some people deserve to die. But I can't support the death penalty anymore. Its unjust and unfairly meted out. And, innocent people will die, something the death penalty is supposed to prevent.

We need to get past the BCE idea of blood for blood. It doesn't solve anything. I'm glad that the governor and legislature of New Jersey could see that. Hopefully, all the states will adopt an approach like theirs. We banned it once in this country, it would do us well as a nation to do so again.

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