Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Stuff

Merry Christmas to all! It would be wonderful if everyone could come to know the love Christ brought to earth in human form this day (traditionally) 2,000 years ago. Remember, the love CHRIST brought, his followers are still working on that part (we promise).

Today, my wife and I took a day off and had a Hibernation Day. We got the idea from Jars of Clay's Christmas album aptly titled Christmas songs. Pretty much we got up late and have eaten junk food and watched the first two Godfather movies. It's been wonderful! We'll be switching to Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season two here shortly! Yay!

This Christmas I'm not sick and jaded by the whole commercialization of it, mainly because I did most of my shopping online, but also because I have realized this is NOT a new problem. In the spirit of Christmas I watched the 1940s version of Miracle on 34th St. with my wife. It was illuminating because there it was, the 1940s, and Christmas had become too commercial.

Does this make me feel better about how any true meaning of Christmas has been pretty much stripped from society. No, but at least its not a new problem. Funny how so many "new" problems really aren't new, just repackaged and conveniently forgotten by a generation.

We live in a secular society. That's fine with me. I suppose I just want people, whether private or public figures, to be able to speak/act/show support for Christmas freely. People are far too touchy about things. If a Jew wants to tell me Happy Hanukkah, great for them! If I'm told, Happy Kwaanza, I have no issue with that. So on and so forth. So why, WHY do people get upset about Merry Christmas?

Is Christ really THAT scary? (Some of his followers might be, but he's not, I swear!) Ah well, I'm sure I'll touch more on that another time. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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