Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dual Post

Ah me. I am so terrible at communication in this modern age. I recently switched my main email address due to a variety of reasons. One being that zao4metal may be cool when you're 20 and think that zao=live (sort of in ancient greek anyway) makes a great email address. Not at 27 when you're married and emailing a variety of people.

Due to the switch I had no clue it was a D&D (yes, Dungeons and Dragons 3.5) today, until about 9:00 tonight. I had not gotten the new email in time. AND I had not heard my phone ring, lots of times. I'm really bad about that. REALLY bad. I worry sometimes people will think I'm trying to avoid them. I'm not (at least not anymore). I'm just really bad about staying in touch.

Now, I think there is a bit too much communication going on sometimes today. (Texting while driving? COME ON!) But, that is no excuse on my part to not really stay in touch with people. I just need to get better at it. I guess that is something to strive for in the coming year. Better communication with my friends and family.

As to the second part of this...I just want to say that my D&D group is great. I've had so much fun with the group and look forward to each time we get to play. Some of you might think its childish a bunch of 20/30 somethings playing D&D, but its not. Its lots of fun.

Its just nice to get to hang out with people of similar interests and spend time together. Is it a bit cheesy? Maybe, but its also, to me, a book that's been written with me as one of the authors. Each time we play more of the story unfolds, and in ways we couldn't even imagine. (Our elf falling while climbing 10 feet 3 times in row and starting to die from it? Who'd write that? But it made for a hilarious time! Well, not for the elf....)

To my group, you guys are great. To the world, being able to game with a bunch of grown-ups is lots of fun. You should try it.

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