Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Got Him

The FBI arrested our wonderful governor today. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on corruption charges linked with attempting to sell the Senate seat recently vacated by President-elect Obama. He also is linked to numerous other shady deals including threatening the Tribune company (which owns the Cubs) that unless they fired certain editors state money could be withheld from renovating Wrigley Field.

I have yet do decide if the man is stupid, arrogant or just a firm dose of both.

His administration has been a train wreck from day one, and shame on the people of Illinois for voting him in twice. (Double shame on the Republicans for being such a sad pathetic group of cronies that they couldn't beat him last time.)

I've been saying all along he'd be in jail before his term was up. We'll see how long he can drag this trial out!

Go special prosecutor Fitzgerald!! If you nailed Ryan, you should be able to nail this slimeball easily!

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