Monday, December 29, 2008


Ok, so its not New Years yet, but I procrastinate, so I better get these out here now.

Normally, I don't do NY resolutions. Why? I'm honest. I don't really have any intention on following through most years.... Ok, stop, here's the truth. If I don't make resolutions, I can't not keep them. I get 100% followthrough then. You can't quit what you don't start. Well, even though that's the story of my life, I should've live like that.

Lose weight. This ties in a bunch of things. Eat healthier, exercise, take my vitamins/supplements regularly. Here's what it entails: Go to the gym 3 times a week minimum. Take my lunch to work minimum 4 days a week. Watch the soda intake and the beer intake. (Funny thing is, I can easily sit and have a single beer and be happy. But, I can down can of soda after can of soda and crave more. Ah, high fructose corn syrup how I hate you and love you.)

Practice my guitar. 3 times a week for 30 minutes. At least. This is bare minimum stuff folks, I want to do more, but I need to set atainable goals.

Read more. For those of you who know me well you might be scratching your heads. "Paul needs to read more?" Yes. I've been slacking lately, especially on good non-fiction books.

Make time for God. Yeah, these are in no particular order. This is something I must do. Time for prayer, for devotions, for focusing on Him and how He wants me to live.

Procrastinate less. I'll always be a procrastinator. But I need to get better about it.

We'll see how this all goes.

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