Monday, January 19, 2009


I haven't been following this like I should. It seems there is now a cease-fire and Israel is pulling back.

Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to defend themselves. But what they have done in Gaza is wrong. Plain and simple. They invaded a city, killed innocents, destroyed homes, distrupted food, fuel, water, healthcare (more than they normally do) and this is not ok.

Again, Israel is surrounded by enemies, but what they did to Gaza is every bit as evil as what the terrorists do.

I pray for Israeli and Palestinian alike. I pray that God can somehow heal the rifts in that part of the world. I pray mostly that they can find some semblence of peace so that the innocents stop suffering.

Israel was wrong this time folks. They have been before, I pray they won't again. But don't believe they were in the right the way they responded. They were not. This was not "just war," this was a hammer handed beat down of a few evil men and far too many innocent bystanders.

Gran Torino

Wow. That's really the best way to sum up the latest Clint Eastwood flick. Wow.

Synopsis: Eastwood plays a Korean War vet who has never put the horrors of what he had to do there behind him. He worked at Ford for years, raised a family, but isn't close to his sons, and his wife has just died. The old neighborhood where he lives is now mostly made up of Asian immigrants, mostly Hmong.

Eastwood, is bitter, racist, and generally unlikeable. But, you still respect the man, even for all his flaws. As the movie goes along, the family next door, his wife's priest, and the struggles of everday life in the city of Detroit come together in a wonderful tale of redemption.

I won't give any spoilers I hope, but Eastwood's character is tough to watch in many ways. There is lots of cringing at the constant racist bile coming from his mouth. But, there are so many things in the story that transcend that.

I don't really know how to talk about the movie without giving away too much. It is just a wonderful redemption tale that also speaks to so many social issues being played out in cities around our fine country.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sea Kitten is Tasty

Apparently the brilliant minds at PETA are hard at work again. Now, before I rip into them, I want to give them credit. I have long been a critic of the "animal rights" people, especially at PETA, for only caring about cute animals. PETA is taking on this issue with all their resources! Well, maybe not all, but some.

Feeling that fish have been getting a bad wrap (like sushi) and are still being eaten they have proposed to call fish "sea kittens" in hopes of brainwashing, er, changing the minds of the young and/or stupid into thinking that calling something ugly a cute name makes it less ugly. It doesn't.
I could call a mole rat a "dirt kitten" it would still be one of the ugliest creatures on earth.

But, the "sea kittens" must be saved PETA cries because Lord forbid we eat animals!

I'm all for treating animals humanely. The ASPCA is a good group overall and cruelty to animals is terrible.

However, I'm a bit puzzled by PETA's bizzare actions. I mean, I suppose they "do" things. But, mostly, I see ads, I hear people talking, I hear about "protests," and they sometimes file lawsuits. But, does PETA run animals shelters? Or pay for dogs/kitties/etc. to get spayed and neutered?

I need to do some more research I suppose (yay google) but I do wonder about them. It would be interesting to take a look at their books sometime...

Furnace Part 2

Well, we got a new furnace today! YAY!!!! Katrina says it is working fine.

Now, for the last bit of the story. Saturday we had a couple of friends over. We're sitting around playing games (Blockus is an AMAZING game) the house is warm, fun is being had. Then, later on, Katrina walks past a vent and says "Hey, I don't think its putting out warm air anymore."

No problem! I go downstairs, yes, the burners are not firing. Not a big deal, I just shut it off and wait. And wait, and wait (games continue to be played). I go down, replace the magic fuse, and nothing happened. I had run out of rez attempts. It was dead.

Fortunately the house, even an old one like ours, is slow to cool down. Still, by this morning, it was REALLY chilly in all the parts of the house not heated by our nice space heater. That's ALL but the den and the bedroom.

But thank the Lord it lasted as long as it did!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Into the Furnace!!

Its been an interesting month. About 3 or 4 weeks ago we woke up to no heat in the house. The power had gone out during the night and it was cold cold cold.

Eventually the power came back on, but still no heat! Oh, the furnace would kick on, and stay on, but it only blew out cold air. Not so pleasant!

So, we called Covenant Heating & Cooling and they came right over. He fixed a faulty gas valve that wasn't clicking open and we had heat again within 2 hours. It cost around $300. Not too bad.

Then, last week, I wake up to the furnace running, blowing cold air, again! DRAT! So, I call, explain the problem, nope, the valve is getting power, but it isn't getting the signal to kick open. A bad limiting switch. Of course it worked when the guy was there, but he didn't charge us to check it out, just to call them when we needed it fixed.

Well, 2 days later, its got fixed. And we woke up the NEXT morning to the same problem. They sent a guy out. Hmm. The switch is good, the valve is good, the thermo-coupling is good....hmm.
Well, the problem is a wire on the circuit board that someone "repaired" once upon a time by resoldering it into place. Badly. So its all corroded and not allowing the right resistance through, which means the limiting switch doesn't think it needs to close a circuit, which means the gas valve doesn't kick open.

Well, this furnace is about 60 years old and a "new" circuit board would just be silly. It would cost about 1/3 as much as a new system and we'd still have an old furnace.

The repair guy wired a 3 amp fuse into the system instead of the limiting switch, closing the circuit and allowing it to kick open the gas valve. I've had to replace the fuse 2 times now. Each morning it seems to blow the fuse, I go down, put another one in, and presto, it works!

Monday we are getting a new furnace. A nice 95% efficiency Coleman. Its getting installed for $2200 or so. Why so cheap? Because they gave us credit for all the previous repairs! They are giving us about $500 credit for the prior repairs.

Thank the Lord! I had been wanting to hold off until spring or summer to replace the furnace, but the issues we'd been having were just too much. The fuses are just a temporary fix, and I don't really like the blower running and running for hours if it blows in the middle of the night.

I highly reccommend Covenant for the Pekin area. They have been courteous, friendly, honest, and more than fair. I'll give an added update after the furnace is put in, but I've just been so thankful for how its all gone.

The best part is, we have enough money saved to pay for over half in cash. And the rest will be paid off in just a few short months! YAY!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Yeah, I know its a molecule. Its also a really fun drum machine program that is free and seems pretty well supported.

I finally got the drum kits loaded in I wanted and have been fiddling around with it some. Seeing as how I have no drum skills or real talent of any sort, this could take a bit. But it is a good time messing around with something musical, even if its just a drum machine.

I'll try and get something posted eventually once I get a loop or two done.