Monday, January 19, 2009


I haven't been following this like I should. It seems there is now a cease-fire and Israel is pulling back.

Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to defend themselves. But what they have done in Gaza is wrong. Plain and simple. They invaded a city, killed innocents, destroyed homes, distrupted food, fuel, water, healthcare (more than they normally do) and this is not ok.

Again, Israel is surrounded by enemies, but what they did to Gaza is every bit as evil as what the terrorists do.

I pray for Israeli and Palestinian alike. I pray that God can somehow heal the rifts in that part of the world. I pray mostly that they can find some semblence of peace so that the innocents stop suffering.

Israel was wrong this time folks. They have been before, I pray they won't again. But don't believe they were in the right the way they responded. They were not. This was not "just war," this was a hammer handed beat down of a few evil men and far too many innocent bystanders.

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