Monday, January 12, 2009

Sea Kitten is Tasty

Apparently the brilliant minds at PETA are hard at work again. Now, before I rip into them, I want to give them credit. I have long been a critic of the "animal rights" people, especially at PETA, for only caring about cute animals. PETA is taking on this issue with all their resources! Well, maybe not all, but some.

Feeling that fish have been getting a bad wrap (like sushi) and are still being eaten they have proposed to call fish "sea kittens" in hopes of brainwashing, er, changing the minds of the young and/or stupid into thinking that calling something ugly a cute name makes it less ugly. It doesn't.
I could call a mole rat a "dirt kitten" it would still be one of the ugliest creatures on earth.

But, the "sea kittens" must be saved PETA cries because Lord forbid we eat animals!

I'm all for treating animals humanely. The ASPCA is a good group overall and cruelty to animals is terrible.

However, I'm a bit puzzled by PETA's bizzare actions. I mean, I suppose they "do" things. But, mostly, I see ads, I hear people talking, I hear about "protests," and they sometimes file lawsuits. But, does PETA run animals shelters? Or pay for dogs/kitties/etc. to get spayed and neutered?

I need to do some more research I suppose (yay google) but I do wonder about them. It would be interesting to take a look at their books sometime...

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