Monday, January 19, 2009

Gran Torino

Wow. That's really the best way to sum up the latest Clint Eastwood flick. Wow.

Synopsis: Eastwood plays a Korean War vet who has never put the horrors of what he had to do there behind him. He worked at Ford for years, raised a family, but isn't close to his sons, and his wife has just died. The old neighborhood where he lives is now mostly made up of Asian immigrants, mostly Hmong.

Eastwood, is bitter, racist, and generally unlikeable. But, you still respect the man, even for all his flaws. As the movie goes along, the family next door, his wife's priest, and the struggles of everday life in the city of Detroit come together in a wonderful tale of redemption.

I won't give any spoilers I hope, but Eastwood's character is tough to watch in many ways. There is lots of cringing at the constant racist bile coming from his mouth. But, there are so many things in the story that transcend that.

I don't really know how to talk about the movie without giving away too much. It is just a wonderful redemption tale that also speaks to so many social issues being played out in cities around our fine country.

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