Monday, January 12, 2009

Furnace Part 2

Well, we got a new furnace today! YAY!!!! Katrina says it is working fine.

Now, for the last bit of the story. Saturday we had a couple of friends over. We're sitting around playing games (Blockus is an AMAZING game) the house is warm, fun is being had. Then, later on, Katrina walks past a vent and says "Hey, I don't think its putting out warm air anymore."

No problem! I go downstairs, yes, the burners are not firing. Not a big deal, I just shut it off and wait. And wait, and wait (games continue to be played). I go down, replace the magic fuse, and nothing happened. I had run out of rez attempts. It was dead.

Fortunately the house, even an old one like ours, is slow to cool down. Still, by this morning, it was REALLY chilly in all the parts of the house not heated by our nice space heater. That's ALL but the den and the bedroom.

But thank the Lord it lasted as long as it did!

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