Thursday, January 10, 2008

Presidential Legacies

Bush is starting his tour of the Middle East with a stop in Israel and Palestine before heading to other nations in the area. Hmm...a president in the last year of his term, trying to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Don't I remember Clinton doing something like this?

Trust me, I'd love peace in the Middle East as much as anyone, but I'm realistic. These hatreds go back THOUSANDS of years, they aren't just going to make nice overnight. Especially with the tit-for-tat of mortar attacks, rocket attacks, helicopter attacks, settlers in captured territory, going ON and ON and ON. So, please, feel free to try Mr. Bush, but don't expect too much.

I find it odd with the way the economic outlook is in the US that Bush is taking the time to do this now. Is he worried about his "legacy" as President? He shouldn't be. He'll rank up there with the best of the bad ones. That is assured. Not even peace in the Middle East will overcome that.

On Bush and the economy, I realize the President gets too much credit for good times and too much blame for the bad, often does he really address where the country is headed economically? He's pretty laissez-faire when it comes to business, which has done great things for the home market. Yes, the companies screwed themselves, but that's why we need a watchdog with TEETH to say, "Hey, they make $50,000 a year and already are heavily in debt, they can't really afford a $300,000 home!"

Or the disaster he's made of the public education system with NCLB. Sure, Congress passed it (foolishly) but it's been Bush's baby since day one. In an assembly plant, where you control the product coming in, you will never, ever reach 100% quality. So why, in a school system, where you have NO control over the "product" (child) coming in, are they expected to have 100% quality (achievement) by 2014. That's so ridiculous you just have to cry!

Instead of punishing struggling schools by taking away money, why not spend more money on real school counselors? Not schedulers, but people who actually counsel students. Emotional issues (frequently brought on by home problems) are a HUGE reason why kids aren't learning. Sure, some of its the teachers, some of its the curriculum, but the best teacher on earth can't reach a kid that just doesn't care or who is so traumatized by their home situation.

Yes, I deviated from my initial point (big surprise), but not really. Bush is in the Middle East attempting to patch things up after really really making a mess of things, even by the standards of the region. But, his legacy will always be tarnished not just by the damage he has done abroad, which is plenty, but the damage done on his watch at home. Is it all his fault? Of course not. I helped vote in a Democratic Congress that has done NOTHING. I blame them too. And no, it hasn't just been because of Republican stonewalling. (How many hours were wasted nailing Alberto Gonzalez? I didn't like the guy, but come on, you have a country to run people!) I guess I would just say to Bush, enjoy your trip, come home, and maybe attempt to do some good in your last year as President.

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