Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some People Care WAY too Much about Webcomics

I was perusing my daily dose of webcomics today and at PvP Scott was talking about a blogger who devoted immense amounts of time to critiquing PVP. Scott wasn't blasting the guy, in fact, he called him a fan, because, as Scott said, only a fan could care so much. I commend Scott as someone who deals fairly well with that sort of thing. I don't have the personality (or talent, but that's beside the point) to deal with things like that.

What amazes me is how worked up people get about webcomics. I've gotten into discussions on forums about them. I've read tons of flaming posts about them. It boggles my mind because wake-up people, they are FREE!

Now, possibly I am caring too much about webcomics, but hear me out. Webcomics can be read by anyone, for free. Now, some comics do a better job of updating than others. Schlock Mercenary is pretty much the king at 7 straight years of posting on time. It's also hilarious. Dave Kellett drawing Sheldon does a great job too. Others, like PvP, are sketchier. Posting daily...usually...but who knows when. But again. Who cares. Its a comic you're reading for free. I've heard the arguments, "they have an implied contract with their reader." What? No they don't! If the readers get upset, they'll stop reading! Then ad revenue will dry up and the strip goes under. Simple economics.

For someone like Scott Kurtz, Dave Kellett, or Howard Tayler (to just name a very few) who make their living off the comic keeping your readers happy is important. The people who get so upset don't seem to understand they can just stop reading. Or the people who don't like how a strip or storyline went...that's fine, that's your opinion, but, you're not the creator. Voice your opinion, but the creator is creating, we are reading and we decide if we like it or not. Network TV is what happens when you pander to your audience. And we don't want that happening to webcomics.

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