Friday, January 11, 2008


What a vast topic. I personally take a whole self look at it. Mind, body, spirit, are all connected. My starting to work out again is good for my spiritual health. (Now, some people make an idol out of the human body, but that's another topic.) I read lots, many of the books effect how I look at the world and how I treat others. All are aspects of my faith. I am constantly striving to have a Christlike worldview, which is frequently tough since I tend towards cynicism.

However, there is an area of my faith I really struggle with. Reading the Bible and meditating on it. And doing this with my wife. I'm terrible at this. Part of the problem is from intellectualizing my faith. I "know" lots of stuff about Christianity, Christian thought, the Bible, etc. and then go with that being enough. Knowledge is great, but it is a far cry from applying it to my life and growing from it. Knowledge is safe. Practice is dangerous.

The other part is just laziness. Plain and simple. I do other things instead. I could claim I don't have time, but I do have time. Plenty of time.

This part of my faith I must start doing on a more regular (or just regular) basis. Its an active part of living my faith and well, just because other's don't see that aspect of it doesn't mean its not important.

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