Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have decided I hate it. The two rock stations in my area both allow text-in requests. This had led to legions of idiots texting the same some request to both stations.

At least 1 to 2 times a day I will hear the same song on each station either at the same time or within 10 minutes of each other. Also, at least 3-4 times a day I hear the same band playing on both stations within minutes of each other or overlapping.

This is going to happen on occasion no matter what. Stations play popular artists and song til the song/artist is DEAD! However, I have noticed a MASSIVE spike in this with the advent of email/text requests.

I hate it. I don't even LISTEN to the rock stations that much. That's what drives me insane!

So yes, is this a petty rant? Sure. But geesh people, just because you have the technology to annoy everyone else, please, don't. Because I want to feed you that stupid phone.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Curiouser & Curiouser

WotC is obviously owned by a large corporation. Only a large corporation could do something as monumentally dumb as this and expect it to work. It has worked SO successfully for the MPAA & the RIAA....oh wait. No, its been an abysmal failure.

This is usually the route companies go when they are losing market share.

WotC also released this other press release today as well.

I am struggling to grasp the rationale for this. You take a product and remove the only avenue to legally acquire it. Then you also start to sue people who illegally made it available.

I'm not an advocate of piracy. I'm really not. But this is a failed model. I don't understand what WotC seems to think they have to gain. All this will do is INCREASE piracy as people who are upset stop buying and pirate, and others who might not have bought, but wouldn't necessarily pirate either, pirate in defiance of the corporate behemoth.

It will be interesting to see this play out in the coming months.

Let the intarw3b flames fly!

Well, maybe nobody cares. I care on principle alone. I got an email from Paizo, that wonderful RPG publishing company letting me (and all their other customers) know that WotC had told them they could no longer sell WotC pdfs.

Ok, no biggie. I can't believe too many people bought them as they cost the same price as the hardbound books. I never understood that.

Paizo was also informing their customers that after Noon, TODAY, a day after informing Paizo of this, you can't even continue to download the pdfs you had bought. (Usually when you buy a pdf you get 5 or 10 downloads of it.)

Nice notice WotC. I never bought one of your pdfs because they were a ripoff. Now I may never again buy any of your products because you are acting like the cold soulless corporation you are, instead of a company trying to make money off a hobby. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, I don't expect a service provided for free. There is something wrong with blatant greed, and that's totally what this is.

So, light the torches of forum flames and set fire to the intarwebz!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Warning: If you are a highly conservative Christian or intolerant of people who satire said group, you probably don't want to read the comic or this post. Thanks.

Sinfest is one of my favorite comics. I love his sense of humor, and sadly I can so often relate to his characters. Contrary to the title, the comic isn't a tribute to excess, though the characters often indulge in it. It is more a commentary on life and the struggles of indulgence and guilt and indulgence again. Oh, and sometimes cute cats and dogs.

This one had me rolling as it took one of my favorite cartoons as a kid (having rewatched a couple episodes I don't know why. The voice acting is horrid and the plot nonsensical) Thundercats and made it Fundie-cats! Fundamentalists ho! Smite that evil! My friend mentioned it reminded him of the "Christian" video games that were out there when we were kids. On of my favorites was Joshua where you could get ram's horn trumpets to call down the "Wrath of God."

Its interesting how far I've come from those days. Violence in God's name or against evil isn't any better than evil violence. (Sadly sometimes it is a last resort.) Merely putting "Christian" on something doesn't make it Godly. And Sinfest is hilarious even though it occasionally skewers the faith I hold dear. Well, more the people who hold to that faith....

FYI: Dumber

Ok, this shouldn't be a news flash, but if you watch more than 30 minutes of cable tv views, you are dumber for it. Any of them. You become dumber the more you watch.

How do I know this? How can I make such a claim? I'm standing in one of my customer's waiting rooms as they get me a check, and one of those stations is on. They were running a poll where the question was "Would the world be a safer place without nuclear weapons."

Yes, that is exactly what the question was. So then their viewers were calling/emailing in and proving what numbskulls they had become.

But honestly, how can you call yourself a "news outlet" and post a question like that. There is no opinion. Yes, unequivocally YES the world would be safer without nuclear weapons. Pay no mind to the idiots who don't respond to the actual question. It would be.

Ask a real question if you must such as "Will nuclear weapons ever go away." Or "Should the US get rid of all its nukes no matter what." Those are questions where actual debate could occur.

Not what was up there. I was appalled. Though it merely reinforces what I have been assuming for about 7 years now. Cable news will make you stupid. No matter who you watch.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Living What I Know

So, here I am, reading about radical love, hearing about reconciliation, and being driven nuts by incompetent/uncaring people at work.

So, here's my rant:

I am decent at my job. I want to do a good job. I try at my job. I try to own up to and correct my mistakes. I try and work hard.

I do not always succeed on all those things every day as I would like. Overall though, I put in a decent effort and care about my work.

I have this crazy idea everybody should be like this. They should care about doing it right for doing it's right sake. They should want to do what is best for the customer and the company. They should actually care that if they DON'T do their job right it makes other people's lives more difficult. They should tell the truth when they make a mistake or don't know an answer.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Simply put, they don't.

Drives me nuts, and honestly, it is frequently hard for me to stand these people much less show radical love towards them.

Crap, so then its a fail for me that way too. Curses!

I do realize no matter what I do, there will be people that don't care. But wow, I do pray that God allows me to do this paralegal thing, because its gotta be better than this. Right?