Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let the intarw3b flames fly!

Well, maybe nobody cares. I care on principle alone. I got an email from Paizo, that wonderful RPG publishing company letting me (and all their other customers) know that WotC had told them they could no longer sell WotC pdfs.

Ok, no biggie. I can't believe too many people bought them as they cost the same price as the hardbound books. I never understood that.

Paizo was also informing their customers that after Noon, TODAY, a day after informing Paizo of this, you can't even continue to download the pdfs you had bought. (Usually when you buy a pdf you get 5 or 10 downloads of it.)

Nice notice WotC. I never bought one of your pdfs because they were a ripoff. Now I may never again buy any of your products because you are acting like the cold soulless corporation you are, instead of a company trying to make money off a hobby. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, I don't expect a service provided for free. There is something wrong with blatant greed, and that's totally what this is.

So, light the torches of forum flames and set fire to the intarwebz!

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