Monday, April 6, 2009

FYI: Dumber

Ok, this shouldn't be a news flash, but if you watch more than 30 minutes of cable tv views, you are dumber for it. Any of them. You become dumber the more you watch.

How do I know this? How can I make such a claim? I'm standing in one of my customer's waiting rooms as they get me a check, and one of those stations is on. They were running a poll where the question was "Would the world be a safer place without nuclear weapons."

Yes, that is exactly what the question was. So then their viewers were calling/emailing in and proving what numbskulls they had become.

But honestly, how can you call yourself a "news outlet" and post a question like that. There is no opinion. Yes, unequivocally YES the world would be safer without nuclear weapons. Pay no mind to the idiots who don't respond to the actual question. It would be.

Ask a real question if you must such as "Will nuclear weapons ever go away." Or "Should the US get rid of all its nukes no matter what." Those are questions where actual debate could occur.

Not what was up there. I was appalled. Though it merely reinforces what I have been assuming for about 7 years now. Cable news will make you stupid. No matter who you watch.

1 comment:

schmichael said...

Amen! Too bad the newspapers, some of the best journalism in the US, have been completely unable (unwilling perhasps?) to adopt new business models in the decade since the Internet has become mainstream.

It drives me crazy when they blame sites like Google News and Craigslist for being their demise. Those sites are your futures! You might have to actually make changes to how you do your 100 year old business, but a lot of other businesses are going through the same thing!

While I hate the RIAA and MPAA and now WotC for their holy wars against the interwebs, at least the music, movie, and game industries are trying some online strategies. It seems like most newspapers are content to just throw in the towel and die.